
Chapter 772

Now that it's in front of me, I can sense it far more clearly, the aura of mana that had been spread throughout the tunnel has concentrated in one area, the hidden core of the monster now exposed and pulsing with power. This beast is no small fry, tier six certainly, and most likely not from the third strata. Not wanting to allow this newcomer to make the first move, I draw deep on my core, pulling out all the mana I can and feeding it into the construct, shaping and condensing it at the same time in bolts of pure flame.

[Invidia, you're on defensive duty, but feel free to take shots when you have time. Crinis, see if you can get a crack at its mind, otherwise keep the small fry away from us,] I tell my pets tersely.

The two of them acknowledge my orders as I stare up at the strange water monster. It's huge, towering above me and filling the tunnel with its presence. Its body seems to be fully formed of liquid, the core glowing bright in the centre of its mass. The water continues to flow, shifting and moving in constant motion, occasionally frothing and fizzing as competing currents wash against each other and form waves across its body. It doesn't take any particular form, no arms or humanoid shape, rather it simply looks like a giant mass, or pillar.

Then it shifts slightly and my antennae scream at me.

Holy moly!

I leap to the side, nerves afire with energy as a blade of water slices through the air where I stood just a moment ago, cutting an inches deep groove into the rock. What the heck was that!? It went straight through my fire domain like it wasn't even there! In retaliation, I fire off a duo of condensed blue fire bolts, watching as they fly straight into the water creature and fizzle out instantly.

Hmmm. That's not good.


me, Invidia weaves together an explosion right next to the monster that sends a spray of

[Nice, Invidia!] I cheer.

monster retaliates against the envy demon. Forced onto the defensive, Invidia weaves layer after layer of shields around himself to protect


it to hiss and steam. Then, with a powerful surge I



then what? I look up to see that giant mass of flowing water, the vague outlines of


more, I unleash a solid stream of blue fire that roars forward from between my mandibles directly into the creature's body.

with warning but I stay put, applying the blow torch for a moment longer before a wall of condensed water slams into my side, sending me skittering to the side as I absorb the impact. It's clear that he didn't like that very much. Perhaps small amounts of fire are easy enough for him to shrug off, but you apply enough heat it starts to chip away at him. Not willing


squeeze out another

have it!]

the distracted creature to extend her tentacles from a shadow she had prepared earlier, directly behind it. Turning them immaterial, she pushes them deep into the frothing water, reaching for the core held right in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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