
Chapter 773

Whilst trying to do everything I can to distract the vortex of water, I keep my focus internal, driving and shaping the mana as best I can to create the most powerful fire spell I've ever attempted. The spell shape isn't too complicated, not compared to the heavy lifting I've been doing lately making things like the omni-elemental construct. Even so, seconds tick past as I race to create it whilst Invidia does his best to deflect and dodge a barrage of water based attacks.

For his part, the little demon punched his massive brain into overdrive, weaving vast amounts of mana into shields at a speed that was dazzling to behold as he drifts lazily through the air. His eye blazes with power as the many mind constructs he's built weave spell after spell, deflecting and blocking the innumerable bolts of water that fly in his direction as if shot from a cannon. Judging by the damage done by those streaking water bolts when they hit the terrain, I don't think he'd survive if he were hit by a single one. Invidia might be a magical powerhouse, but taking shots head on is not exactly something he's designed to do. His tankiness is basically zero.

Cool as a cucumber with one massive eye, he sticks to his guns and pumps out shield after shield, somehow keeping up with the towering whirlpool of death as it desperately tries to prevent him from blowing it sky high.

Actually, I just had a thought… It's throwing out hundreds of litres worth of water… is that weakening it some way? If the water is part of its body, and I cause damage by burning it away, is it hurting itself by doing this? Then my mind is drawn back to the scene we saw when the creature first revealed itself. It had clearly dispersed it's body and then pulled itself back together, so perhaps it can call that water back to itself if given the chance?

[Crinis! Try and destroy whatever water you can find lying about.]

[Ah! W-what?! How do I do that?!]

[Just drink it or something!]

Wait a sec…

it, but

[Yes, Master!]

she can prevent the creature from calling the water back, making

you holding up, Invidia?] I call to my pet, still focusing inward on piecing my

take all it can give

[I like that confidence!]

Keep up the good work! Because, as a matter of fact, I only


and each of my brains sits back with a sigh, wiping the metaphorical sweat off of their neurons. This is possibly the heftiest piece of elemental magic that I've put together to date and I hope to heck it works against this stupid thing. If not, I'll be forced to break

the monster, giving myself a little space before I rear up and unleash my spell. An immediate wave of heat blasts into existence, flaring into life and chasing away the perpetual shadows of the second stratum. The spell takes the shape of a tornado of pure flame that grows as it travels forward until it connects the ceiling of the tunnel to the floor. The temperature around us rises, precipitously


do you like that, you stupid

and water collide with a deafening hiss as steam billows to an absurd degree, blotting out

[Invidia! Strike now!]

demon has faltered at last. With a gleeful gleam in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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