
Chapter 810

Travelling through the vast plains is strangely peaceful, despite the literal ocean of death and destruction happening around us at all given moments. After the first ten minutes, I kind of fell into the habit of not directing my attention downward, and all of a sudden the endless war of the little demons beneath my feet wasn't such a big deal anymore. Every now and again I might get swiped by a wayward claw, but even if they are monsters native to the third stratum, with all sorts of in built advantages over me, they still can't penetrate my diamond carapace or cause any real harm to my legs.

Instead, I take in the sights and enjoy having such a vast open space above my head. From the ground looking up, it's even more incredible to see than it was from the roof looking down. If I trick myself, I can almost believe that the ash and smoke that swirls far, far overhead are clouds in a particularly hot sky.

The temperature is another thing that is bothering me. I'd kind of thought it might be a little cooler down here, since hot air rises and all that. Turns out no. There are open rivers of lava down here. Lava! Ignoring that, the rock itself is boiling hot! My poor claws feel like they're sizzling every time I take a step. Uncomfortable to say the least. Compared to the freezing cold of the shadow sea, I honestly don't know which is worse…

From behind me I hear a muffled 'thump' and watch confused as an infant demon sails through the air in a graceful arc before thudding back down to the ground more than fifty metres away. The little beasts are so hardy that that thing immediately flips itself over with one clawed arm and starts ripping into its closest neighbour.



[Did you just kick an infant demon?]

He looks to one side.

[Why would you kick an infant demon, Tiny?]

He shrugs his massive shoulders.

[You're bored?!]


Don't go punting monsters around! First off, you'd get almost no experience from it, even if you managed to kill the thing, and second, we are travelling whilst surrounded by literally millions of the damn things. I really don't want to slow down so you can kick your way

down here, I have no doubt about that. Other than the exciting chase in the city, he hasn't really had a chance to stretch his … fists. Even

to battle soon enough. If we keep an eye out, there's bound to be plenty of tier four and five demons running about down here

once we get a good scrap in. Seeing how tightly wound up Tiny is makes me think I should check in on my other friends as well, just to

Invidia?] I cheerfully greet the envy demon. [Enjoying your time here on

little wings fluttering in the hot air as he closes his eye

this warmth… huh. You don't find it weird

down to the ground

I wasss

It seems like a brutal and inefficient way to grow

wantsss their ferocity and

The eye glows green.

[Of course you do.]

they sure do have

about you Crinis?

her voice sounds a little pained. [It is uncomfortable, but I can bear it

you ask for the help you need, alright? Don't be so

for a

try, Master,] she

all I can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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