
Chapter 811

I make out five demons in total, judging by my mana sense, all of them tier six, thank heavens. If they'd all turned out to be a higher tier than me, we might have just been dead and buried right there. According to the information that I've managed to barter out of Al, the vast majority of demons, the properly sapient ones anyway, are tier six.

Due to the generally short and barbaric lives they tend to live, most don't make it to tier seven, but those that do can be considered powerful, standing above the masses. Apparently, tier eight demons do exist, but only deeper down, where the mana is thicker on the border between the third and fourth strata.

Considering their natural, inborn advantages, a tier eight demon is not something that I want to tangle with. Not one bit.

For now, these five demons on their hovering, dark red disc of pure energy continue to move closer at a rapid pace as we spread out to receive them.

When they draw close enough, their momentum slows and the closest demon, standing proudly at the lip of their disc, looks down on us with thinly veiled contempt. It's not easy to judge the expression of a non-human monstrosity, but with enough practice you can get the hang of just about anything.

The demon in question is what I've come to know is a 'pride' demon. A humanoid physique, with more blades and spikes than one would generally see on a person, accompanied by a strangely thin but elongated head with a long vertical mouth that is open more often than it's shut. According to Al, pride demons are considered generalists amongst the tier six demons, equally capable at spell flinging and up close chop-work with their claws and spikes.

After a few moments, I feel a mental connection seek me out and I allow it to snap into place, my multiple mind constructs warily monitoring the connection, prepared to rebuff any assault that takes place.

[FOUL creature,] the demon's mental tone positively drips with condescension, [why do you roam the plains within the bounds of the GREAT city of Orpule?]

Uh, what? Even without turning my head, I can still see the enormous pillar that supports Roklu behind us. Is this guy telling me we've left the borders of that city already?

I ask back, [and by the by, who the heck are you? Why is it your

pride demon positively crackles with indignation at being questioned by what

Roklu? Has the fat one sent you to do his

I brighten up.

has rolls on his rolls. He must weigh eight tons at least. The dude has so much mass, the first time I met him I almost got caught in an

nice to see someone else who is equally as discerning when it comes to Grokus' more unbelievable features. The city lord of Roklu had to evolve a

my charge, INSECT! Are you part

would I be part of your war games? What are

the demon appears to grow more and more offended. Not that I think I'm to blame. I can only assume that all pride demons

your PATHETIC lies! This is clearly a ploy by Roklu to gain the upper hand

clawed hand and just like that, the other four demons on the disk begin to rain hell down on us. Lava, brimstone, ash, all sorts of nasty magic takes shape in an instant and the bombardment begins to rain down on us before I have

These guys mean


my poor insect senses reeling as Tiny lifts one crackling arm to the sky and lets loose a devastating bolt of lightning that crackles into the disc, burning away a portion of the energy that sustains it and shrinking its size. Even blinded, I give the


if you can reach

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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