
Chapter 837

I'm not really wearing armour. It's more jewellery than anything else. Which isn't something I wanted to point out to Smithant. She takes immense pride in being a smith, specifically in being an armourer, since she doesn't make weapons. In fact, she takes an unhealthy amount of pride in that, such that pointing out how she has basically made what amount to a series of necklaces. Not that they go around my neck, instead they fit over my legs, basically tightening around the area where my legs meet my carapace, which means that I have six of them overall.

Apparently Smithant tried to create some more to attach around the base of my antennae but couldn't find a way to fit them to an ant without irritating the heck out of them. With antennae as sensitive as mine I imagine the problem would have been even more acute. Still, she was very satisfied with the work she'd been able to do, work that was only possible thanks to a breakthrough she had with her Skills. With whole teams of specialised carvers dedicated to mastering the craft of armoury and enchanting, it’s a minor miracle that Smithant still manages to be at the head of the pack.

It goes to show that individual talent is still a thing, even in a world like Pangera with a Gandalf run System in place. I have to wonder if some of my struggles developing certain Skills are simply because I'm not personally suited to them, or perhaps I just get distracted too easily… most likely the latter.

After we get the equipment from Smithant, there's nothing for it but to climb down out of the city again and make our way toward the tunnels between layers. Obviously that means running through vast fields of larval demons who continuously try to tear each other apart, even as they flow away from us as we walk past.

In a small way, my newly enchanted gear helps with this, since one of the functions provided is to reduce friction. It isn't a huge amount, I'm a heavy ant boi after all, but it's enough to make a noticeable difference. I do a few test charges as we travel and it takes a little getting used to, but the reduction in drag is certainly there. A little extra speed, a little extra lightness on my claws, certainly nothing I'm going to turn away! If this is what Smithant was planning to give to Vibrant, then I have to laugh a little. The second she finds out she could be going faster, Vibrant is going to go nuts trying to track Smithant down and beg her to hand over the rings.

Though I'm not the only one who got new stuff.

[How about it Tiny? Feeling comfortable.]

[Hmmmm,] he ponders as he continues to poke, prod and scratch at the straps that hold the new armoured plates to his body. After a few moments, he shrugs.

that bad,] I tell him, [you managed to keep the full set on

[Hrrn,] he grunts.

think so? I think you'll get a ton of use out of it. Getting cut less is a good

rolls his shoulders and

bones being as tough as they are now, I feel a lot better about you not getting carved to pieces, but you

for a bit, pondering, before he nods a little

exasperated, [just maybe block once in

do you think I

out what would be the best way for you

some limbs

can think of some enchantments

something that enhances my shadow

[That'd work.]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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