
Chapter 838

[It's so damn hot!] Sarah complained.

[Of course it is,] Granin snorted, [it’s the third stratum. Place is nothing but ash and lava.]

[You might be fine,] the giant bear grumbled, [but I'm covered in fur. If I was a rock person like you, maybe it wouldn't bother me so much.]

The old shaper harrumphed.

[For starters, I am not a rock person, I am a goglari who has bonded with a true skin, a layer of ore that covers and melds with my natural skin. And I think you'll find that mental toughness, rather than heat resistance, is responsible for my tolerance.]

Torrina rolled her eyes and joined in the conversation.

[Actually, our true skin does provide a huge increase to our ability to endure extreme temperatures. It's one of the reasons the goglari were so successful expanding to the third stratum in the centuries after the cataclysm.]

The giant bear turned her head and fired a glare at the leader of the triad who did his best to ignore the threat of being stared at by a truly vicious tier six Asura Bear. Particularly one equipped in the way that this one was.

[The armour probably isn't helping the situation,] Corun observed helpfully. [I know I'd be hot under all that.]

It was true that the padding and weight of the armour, nearly two tons of it, were doing little to improve the situation. As if being a furred animal wasn't enough, she had layers of cloth and steel covering her to the point she felt as if she were sweating literal buckets every second.

[I need to hydrate,] she gasped.

[I think you need an enchantment to help manage the heat issue,] Torrina observed.

something of a special case. Sarah is much better built to tolerate

really appreciate it,] Sarah

the wide open space that opened up before them and extended in all directions as far as their eyes could see. The harsh glow of lava burned into their eyes and the taste of ash lingered on their tongues, making their

Granin grumped, [it's put me in a bad mood. Sorry if I come across as dismissive,

alright,] she sympathised, [I'm much the same as

her head at the two of them as she glanced over the side

you do

five minutes or so,] she informed the group. [Pretty quick trip, all things

impressive the Colony managed to get this lift system in place so quickly,] Sarah said,

me about the Colony, but their ability to get stuff built quickly is starting to become just a normal expectation from my point of view,] Granin shrugged. [How many

into the city and they were able to unpin and open the

here, take

nearly ten minutes for the trio to unbuckle all the straps, by which time the platform had already ascended halfway back

Sarah groaned, [that is so

didn't have to come down here,] Torrina

big bear rolled her

benefits of the Colony's achievements without contributing anything. They work so hard whilst I sit around

Corun reminded her. [It didn't work out so well last time did

flinched a little but

the nest … and if I hadn't, who knows what would have happened? It went bad at the end,] she shuddered, [but I

just a hair softer than usual. [You just need to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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