
Chapter 870

Thank goodness for amorphous blobs of terror! The tentacles twist through the air beneath me, creating a dense noodle stack that I plunge into like a boulder that fell off a cliff. Everything melds into a blur as I plummet the last fifty metres and then -


Oof! In an organ rattling collision I smack into the hard stone of the plate with nothing but the tentacles of Crinis to cushion my fall. Predictably, my legs fold like a house of cards before my carapace is rocked by the impact and my head starts spinning. Yikes. Not a fan of that.

[Thanks Crinis! You're a life saver…]

[I almost didn't make it in time!]

[But you did. That's all that matters.]

I trigger my healing gland and sigh in relief as the cooling fluid rushes throughout my body, mending everything that was damaged in the fall and beginning the process of once again restoring my legs to full usefulness. Luckily they haven't been ripped off this time, merely shattered in several places, so I should be good to go before too much time has passed.


I must have been falling slightly faster that the spell since at this moment a cataclysmic detonation resounds from the side. My antennae scream of danger and I use my mandibles to sweep as much of Crinis behind me as I can whilst my brains throw out the fastest barriers that I can. They're flimsy as heck but the best I can do on such short notice and certainly better than nothing. Thank goodness I already triggered my healing gland.

The heat is immense as the fireball unleashes its remaining payload of doom but there is more at play than pure fire magic. The spell was always miscoloured, flecked with darkness where one would expect fire mana to be bright and I can feel the difference now as the flames seem to eat into my carapace even as it burns me. This must be a combination of ash and fire magic, putting the two most prominent elements of this stratum together into one horrific concentration of death!

How nasty.

My HP drops steadily as the fire rages and I find myself fighting on two fronts, trying to utilise my magic to hold off the worst effects of the spell, eating into the mana and countering with renewed barriers once my old ones are shattered whilst at the same time I fight against Crinis as she tries to wrap her limbs around to protect me.

You're weak to mana like this, you'll just melt

help protect

Just sit still


[I'm ordering you!]

of a direct command there's nothing that Crinis can do, though even then I see her limbs shivering as she tries with all her being to force herself to disobey my instruction. My

turn to save you,] I tell her firmly but she does not yield in her

my HP bar, that I was too scared to look at prior to this point, I see that after everything I just endured I've been chunked down to just under half of my pool. Considering I had regeneration fluid making its way throughout my body throughout

lingering effect of ash mana? I don't know enough about the stuff to say for sure, but

have not escaped unscathed from the blast. Closer to the centre of the gathered ants they were safer, having the full benefit of the shields that were woven overhead, but towards the outer edge of that circle things

are picking their way over the wounded, administering desperately needed first aid. Every ant who can be saved, will be saved, of that I have no doubt. But the fires of vengeance

echoed by the Colony who bristle with outrage and determination. The ant tide will not be denied! CANNOT be

Far above our heads, the magic oriented tier seven demons that Brixin reserved to defend her seat of power float, looking down on the remnants of their

their next play will be, but I have the

here!" I roar using my pheromones and waggling my broken legs at them. "I'll bite

hear Sarah's endless bellow. She must still be tearing through Orpule on a rage-drunk rampage, followed by a squad of ants who are going to try their level best to keep

of squads following

lot still

A short pause.

follow you through in future," comes

that they'd gotten themselves baked in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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