
Chapter 871

With the demons high overhead the only way the Colony could reach them was to unleash their best spells and acid blasts, doing everything possible to force the demons down, or at least drain them of mana so they were no longer a threat.

As I watch, it seems to be working. The demons use shields to block attacks as they move their stupid discs around, dodging the worst of the largely untargeted barrage, but there's just so much stuff being thrown at them that they can't possibly dodge it all.

As I lie healing I do my part to contribute to the struggle, hurling gravity bolts by the dozen at the demons, hoping to snag them and force them to come down to our level. At the very least it'll become harder for them to keep themselves in the air if they get heavier. Fairly soon, Tiny returns to my side and I don't waste any time repeating the order that I gave to Crinis to him as well. When Invidia pops up, worn out from helping my siblings shield themselves I tell him too.

[You are not allowed to die before me. That's an order.]

Invidia doesn't react outside of a slow blink and Tiny just looks confused, but that's fine. As long as I've given them the order, they'll have to obey it.

[Alright then Tiny, we have an issue that you can help me with. Invidia, try and help heal Crinis up, and grab her some Biomass… actually, hold on.]

"Someone go and get Crinis Biomass. She needs to regenerate."

"Is that-"

"Yes I'm talking to you, Protectant! Get it done! I'm hardly going to be going anywhere right now, am I?"

waggle my broken legs in the air for emphasis. A few moments later I'm confident that they

to lighten myself and Tiny is going to throw me into the air so that I can

[Master! No!]

all we know they are just holding their ground up there until they charge up another doom ball and obliterate this entire plate. They were surely going to blow up half of it with the last one! I can't

going to land?! I can't catch you again, and you're already injured!] Crinis

no time,] I reassure her, [and besides, we have more help this time. Invidia can slow me down with barriers and Tiny can catch me in his big beefy

nods seriously and flexes. Invidia blinks

No problem, I'll be


Inverting spell patterns is a tricky business but there are a few cases where I know how to get it to work and the gravity bolt is one of them. I blast myself with the modified spell over and over again and notice with surprise how my antennae can feel the gravitational field around my body beginning to shift. This gives me rather precise

upwards I'll be in serious trouble. I'd rather not spend too

the giant ape slaps his massive hands against his chest to warm himself up before striding over and lifting me with a two handed grip. I can

fling me


forget to catch me when I come


He'd already forgotten…

[Okaaaaay. Now!]

rush of force Tiny leans back and throws both his hands up, propelling me straight upwards into the air like an insectile missile. The force of the air pressure flattens my antennae back to my head and my eyes blur. Beneath me the plate plummets away, becoming uncomfortably small

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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