
Chapter 880

The Colony recoiled from the reprimand of its Eldest and most respected member as if it had been bitten on the antennae. It has not happened many times, when the Eldest directly criticised the actions and decisions of its family, but each occurrence has resulted in great upheaval and a paradigm shift that changed the course of the Colony forever.

This instance was no different.

Warned of impending disaster if the reckless pursuit of expansion at all costs was not reined in, the council and the Colony as a whole drew back and began to reflect. With the conquest of the demon city Orpule newly completed, there was a tremendous feeling of momentum amongst us, one that we felt could lead us deeper into the Dungeon and catapult us into a large scale invasion of the third stratum as a whole. Only when we drew back, only when we focused inward, did the cracks begin to become evident.

The need for reconnaissance of the new territories had become great, too great. In order to cope with the vast swathes of tunnel and open Dungeon that needed to be carefully mapped, examined for resources and assessed for threats across both the second and third strata meant that older paths that had become considered safe were abandoned. Even those tunnels that lay between the main nest and the lands of the golgari had become criminally under patrolled and many a scout shuddered at the thought of what the Eldest might have said had they missed an invasion along those routes.

These irredeemable oversights were immediately corrected and maintaining the watch of all approaches to the nests became the highest priority, as it should always have been.

lapses did

produced by the carvers had been used to create the chains and lifts needed to utilise the lifts to move materials between the second and third strata, which had significantly delayed construction of the gates required to secure the newly constructed nests. There too,

teams of construction ants more than poor craftsmanship, examples of which could be found everywhere in their latest work. As the Colony withdrew and consolidated, the carvers rededicated themselves to the pursuit of perfection, tearing down everything they had built with the slightest deviation and constructing it from the ground up once more. Filled with righteous fire at having to correct their own mistakes, the standard that they would seek to meet from that point on was established

ending push to fight and expand the territory of the Colony they had raised many grubs to become fine soldiers, scouts and generals. The boundless hunger of the Colony for workers to build and construct had encouraged them to evolve huge numbers of carvers. Critical for both of those endeavours, mages were

Healers were getting swamped under the workload, more and more injuries were left to recover on their own, with little but a scant helping of Biomass to speed the process. The core shapers had been used to plug the gaps left by the lack of scouts and soldiers in the upper layers of the Dungeon, but this had caused them to draw down their wide ranging core gathering expeditions, creating a shortfall in the Colony's supply. Worst of all, the brood

brood tender tasks took place over that month, before a restructuring and reinforcement of the caste was established. Never again would they fail the young charges who depended on them for care. There must always be capacity for the

necessary to ensure that they would never repeat themselves. A feverish energy gripped each and every member as they

the true lesson that lay hidden within the rebuke they had delivered. An immense amount of work was required to expand the territory and power of the Colony, it was true, but

saw as the greater challenge,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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