
Chapter 881

Isn't it incredible how quickly time flies when you're having fun with your friends? It seems like only yesterday that we set out from Orpule to scour these new hunting grounds for delicious, delicious prey. By the by, I don't want to give the impression that demons are tasty, they certainly aren't. Their hides are tough as steel and like everything else I've been forced to eat since I was spawned in the Dungeon they have a truly disgusting flavour. I'm starting to forget what good tasting food was even like! Perhaps there never was something such as 'tasty', perhaps that was just a lie that I've carried over from my previous life. Certainly it doesn't seem likely that I'm going to find a monster that is anything other than disgusting to consume.

No, the taste wasn't good, but the Biomass points sure were! Even if we are hunting monsters of a lower level of evolution than ourselves, with the stomach mutations that we have, the penalties are as reduced as they can be and the creatures of this stratum are so rich compared to even the shadow beasts of the layer above. It makes sense when you think about it, the spawn rate of monsters on this level is insane, and it's not even a wave right now. All those demon larvae ripping into each other, it all has to go somewhere right?

When they get up to tier four and five, these beasties have had a right ol' feast, and then, stuffed full of Biomass they retreat to these tunnels to try and hunt down others who had the exact same thought that they did in the hopes of pushing through to tier six and achieving 'true' demon-hood. That's when they run into us. Gweheheheheh.

It took over a week to power level Brilliant all the way to level forty and by the end she was able to be genuinely useful to the process. Her offensive output is still questionable, but her ability to shape magic continues to develop at breakneck speed. Once she unlocked light and shadow magic she continued to play around with them as much as she possibly could, to the point it was frequently annoying. Several times I had to dispense some THWACK justice when I was suddenly blinded by a lightshow blasting out of her antennae. It was often so bad that the little ant appeared to have a disco ball flashing atop her head, beaming rays of light out in all directions.

If there was a positive to the process it would be that it encouraged the rest of us to lift our game in terms of practicing our magic skills. I've been grinding obsessively all week, far more than I usually would, with Crinis and Invidia following along the trend. Even Tiny has gotten involved! As we've hunted and fought I've frequently seen the big ape pointing his fingers and zapping sparks of lightning all over the place. I thought it was adorable at first, the massive bat-faced gorilla wanted to join in the magic practice, but the more he did it, and the more time passed, I actually think he did get better, more accurate and quicker, when releasing his lightning. A totally unexpected event!

But now the time has come for the hatchling… although I probably shouldn't call her that considering she's about to hit tier five.

"Alright then, Brilliant, you've done it, achieved level 40."

little ant puffs up

there any doubt I would?"


us helping you get experience from monsters who would rip you up and tear you apart with one hand claw tied behind their back? No, there wasn't any doubt. You might have just started to make yourself useful in this hunt, but once you've

was just expressing a little

confidence, nor have you ever lacked confidence. Humility and

this point, but Brilliant is certain that they will come with time. Is this some sort of inbuilt attitude that all champions get in order to push them to leadership roles? Vibrant was never this overly arrogant,

core to boot. Mutations are maxed. Make sure you go through all of the possibilities with a fine tooth comb and pick the option that you think melds best with you. There's no need to rush, so

have to go into the

just hang out here

into Invidia's mouth and promptly vanishes from this dimension in

too big, Invidia,] I warn the demon, [we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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