
Chapter 885

Fantastic, just what I needed, another giant lizard in my life. Haven't I dealt with enough of these things?! Considering our minds are connected, I carefully shield my exasperation and reply.

[Hey there, lizard bro! How's things? Life treating you well? Try not to dry out too much down here, gets a bit warm in these parts. Make sure you, you know… stay moist. Or whatever a lizard does.]

I can practically feel the indignation radiating from the big fella.

[I am Kaarmodo,] he hisses at me, [do not refer to me as a lizard!]

Despite still having their hoods on I can clearly tell the two attendants are glaring at me. What were those guys called again? I seriously can't remember. This isn't going so well, I'm going to have to break out the ol' Anthony charm offensive and see if I can talk this liz- esteemed kaarmodo around to letting us chase that damn worm into their territory.

Naturally I'm more than a little tempted to just bust through and go running after Jim regardless what this puffed up gecko has to say, but I'm wary of creating another international incident that the Colony will end up having to clean up for me. Making enormous messes and depending on my siblings to deal with it is a habit that I'm quite keen to break. It's getting embarrassing at this point! I'm hopeful that I can reach a diplomatic solution here.

[Of course, my mistake! I would never seek to insult one of the ancient and wise members of the kaarmodo race! May your scales be ever shiny!]


[Anyways. Can we run through your territory and kill that worm? We hate that guy.]

And the quality follow up. Nailed it!

This is what high level diplomacy looks like! Sheer perfection in the realm of communication.

[No,] the lizar- kaarmodo retorts. [Take yourself from our lands at once.]

I'm genuinely shocked, but no matter, I still have one further trick up

[Please?] I ask.



[… no?]

He sounded much less certain of himself this time around! The negotiation is clearly tilting in my favour! He's like putty in

acting against the interests of the wonderful kaarmodo or your slave… helper… people…

at me, his mind clearly

disrespect,] I try to give the mind mana equivalent of a thumbs up, [I simply mean to state that we have no intention of bringing any harm to you or your people, we simply wish to

fold of this kaarmodo's brain. I can already feel the disgust and disdain that he feels billowing up like a rising tide. Clearly the actions of Jim have infuriated the noble

to view your

damn kaarmodo and his slaves is almost too strong to ignore, but I forcefully restrain myself, even if

you protecting the worm?] I

his two servants grasping hold of the mana in the air and preparing to weave it into spells, which causes Al and Invidia to begin doing the same thing and all of a sudden the tension has

Tiny, he has no

then Invidia pauses for a moment and his mouth appears, opening wide before his tongue pushes a still comatose Brilliant out onto the

large for me to containsss. I can holdsss her

because he had to let go of something, an act that isn't really

[protect Brilliant! Tiny! Grab hold of her and start running,

wish to chase the worm creature? I sense

important, and we don't want to start a fight we can't finish. I'm not going to

to feel the anger in my thoughts, but I've little doubt that she brushed against them anyway. The giant bear's eyes are quite sad beneath her helmet as she looks into the distance

holler at the angsty iguana and just like that we turn and flee, Tiny bounding over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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