
Chapter 886

There's just something so thrilling about delving deep into the Dungeon my dear readers! I can scarce describe it, the growing sense of unease and foreboding as the mana thickens in the air around you and the tunnel walls close in. Who knows what monster might lie around the next corner? What mystery the Dungeon will throw at you next?

Even if an old duck like me no longer has much to fear in the first stratum I still get a slither of energy rushing through my aged bones.

Except that, under the protection of the Colony, I experienced the most boring Dungeon exploration of my life. The creatures had tamed the Dungeon to a ludicrous degree, carving smooth, elegant walkways and passages, wonderfully constructed staircases with soft, firm padding on the stone, to make the passage of all humans as convenient and comfortable as possible. What struck me as ridiculous was that the ants themselves didn't even use these passages! They had vertical tunnels that they could traverse as easily as you or I walk along a flat road!

If any monsters existed on the path, I didn't see them. Not a single one! It was almost boring…

As we walked, the ants patrolling the tunnels became larger and more frequent. My guide stopped to exchange 'words' with each of them, and when I enquired what they were discussing, she smiled and explained that it was common amongst the Colony and those who lived with them to encourage each other to work hard and to remind them that they take the right number of breaks.

I laughed and said that surely it's difficult to make an ant stop working. Her expression grew serious, a trace of apprehension to her brow.

"Not really," she said softly.

  • Excerpt from volume nine of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'

I'm surprised at how long it takes for the emotion to bleed out of me as we march back to Orpule. I don't know what I'd expected would happen regarding Jim. I suppose in the back of my mind I always thought the Colony would find him eventually, as our numbers grew and we became ever more capable it was only a matter of time until we got our claws on him.

Despite everything, the Colony still hadn't managed to get a sniff of him until

And it's obvious why.

her down here, hoping to get in touch with her. I don't know how

city we take the elevator up in silence as each of us ponders over the events that have just transpired. My friends don't disturb me, perhaps sensing the

ripple through her now larger form and waiting

she wakes up and reach out to me before she goes anywhere. I want to check in on her before she starts running wild about the

[Yes, Master.]

to trundle his way toward the still growing nest built in the centre of the city. I watched them go before I turned

[Let's talk.]

a long moment before she sat with a thump

not sure what I even

I didn’t say anything.

Years, Anthony. I trusted him. He was my friend. I can't just turn around and… I mean… I know what he did was terrible,

I can't help

really understood what it was like to be reborn as a monster in this world. It isn't easy to turn him into a villain in your head, with all the history that's been built up between you. Not to mention, you don't recall

the bear who still hasn't moved and

Because of him, hundreds, if not thousands, of brood died. Helpless larvae, eggs that never got to hatch. It's never going to be ok. The Colony will hunt him down no matter if it

that statement hang in

family now. Whether you fight or

whispered, [we all know it. How is it not my

I shake my head.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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