
Chapter 942

"Well, isn't this the plops."

Isaac Bird looked out over the vast, smoke filled expanse of the third stratum and sighed. After his first trip here, he wasn't sure he'd ever be back, and yet here he was, back fighting alongside an increasingly fanatic band of mostly human ant worshipers. His first battle in the demon layer had been a whirlwind tour of death that nearly got his head separated from his shoulders. The fact that it culminated in a climactic battle that nearly got the Great One killed was just the icing on the cake. The whole thing had been catastrophically dangerous from the get go, and yet he'd come back without hesitation.

The things he did for love.

He was stronger now than he'd ever been before, by a long shot. The constant fighting, be it in battles against waves, or regular patrols within colony territory, had netted him bucket loads of experience and driven his spear skills to new heights. He was a better, more capable soldier than he'd ever been. Even so, he couldn't help but feel that his goal was getting away from him.

From the last he'd heard, Morrelia had retreated with the Legion and was now deep underground somewhere, in who knew what layer of the Dungeon, doing whatever it was the Legion did down there.

Unless he missed his mark, she was most likely doing whatever she needed to in order to move forward. That's what she did.

When he recalled those fiery eyes, her strong powerful build and those soft… fiery eyes, he just couldn’t pretend he wouldn't do anything to see her again. To stand at her side.

Which led to his current dilemma.

"There you are Isaac, what are you doing hanging out here? You weren't going to jump were you?"

Isaac turned to see Derrick jogging over to him with one hand raised in greeting.

"No I'm not going to jump, you moronic plop sweeper. Don't joke about such things."

Derrick ducked his heed and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. You just don't see many of us hanging around near the edge. For obvious reasons."

The sheer drop of several kilometres being the obvious reason. The Colony really should put up a fence… although gripping the edge wasn't something they really had to worry about, the ants regularly walked right off the edge and underneath the plate.

the open air," Isaac confessed, running a hand over his clean shaven face. "This is as close as we get down here to a sky, so I wanted to take

in from the command hill.

hour? You

when not

hard stare at his junior

that was another attempt at a joke I'll have you on latrines until

in fact. Lost my sense of humour in

"Good. You'll live longer."

silence, though it was clear Derrick was becoming increasingly impatient. Isaac ignored his fidgeting for a few minutes before he

muster up the men. Are

"Not yet."

moving us by platform again?" Isaac's face twisted

gleaming, iridescent plate made of mana. The whole thing gave him the willies.

to meet up with general Anticus on the east side of the city. A camp has been prepared five kilometres' march from the base of the pillar. We have

pause. He still couldn't help but feel amused when the former bouncer for an inn acted in such a professional manner, but he should be used to it by now. In

in the early days. They'd been shockingly weak compared to the monsters they were trying to help. Unable to keep up on patrols, panicking at the first sign of monsters. Even Isaac, with his limited Dungeon exposure, had been

fanatical army

properly this time. If Leon forgets his spare spear again I'll

command nodded but

"You aren't coming?"

some business I

"Okay. Good luck."


their heads into the command structure of the Colony. In fact, it was exceptionally rare. Not that they were banned or forbidden, far from it, they were allowed in whenever they wanted. It was the overall atmosphere that people found intimidating. The ants did not find it odd or

If he wanted to achieve his goal, he couldn't afford

ants had wasted no time moving their command post up into the city the moment the battle had ended, that way they could better coordinate the arrangements within the newly conquered

the base until he found the non-ant entrance. A mage on duty quickly connected to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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