
Chapter 986

Total, overwhelming victory. Nothing more, nothing less.

By the time the Colony had swept in and around my solo attack, the bruan'chii had already broken through. It was simple to push the termites back, driving them out of the Mother Tree's island entirely. All they had left were the deep tunnels that curved under the lake between the mountains and it was there we needed to fortify. I spent a fair bit of time chatting to the Grove Keepers once the enemy began to withdraw, though I had to take a little time to calm Sarah down.

The giant bear was a complete mess when we finally got to her. Invidia started to pour in the healing magic straight away, but I suspect it'll take a while before she fully recovers. After throwing herself into the termites the way she did… it's little wonder she came out so poorly. I feel terribly guilty. I'd planned for the designated sacrifice-person who get’s the heck bitten out of them to be me! Unfortunately, I underestimated just how willing she would be to embrace the rage and dive in. She's a hell of a lot braver than she gives herself credit for.

Her fur is matted thick with ichor, a good chunk of it hers, and deep cuts can be seen all over her massive frame. When we approach, the deep red aura of bloodlust has already begun to wane, but we are still cautious. She breathes heavily, her maw heaving air into her giant lungs like a bellows. Faintly, that ear splitting roar can still be heard rattling in the back of her throat.

[Hey there Sarah,] I say gently, [are you okay in there?]

No reply, but I continue to talk in a soothing tone.

[You absolutely beat the hell out of some termites today. You held down the fort like an absolute boss. You saved the day.]

And she had. Her effort had pinned down almost an entire flank and allowed Tiny to work his fancy footwork without being interfered with. In fact, the two who likely killed the most termites are Tiny and Sarah. Not that I didn't take down an absolute boat load of them, but those two really went to town.

[Haaaa. Haaaaa.]

I can feel the thoughts of the giant bear start to congeal as she slowly calms herself. This is honestly a great improvement for her. She raged for a long time and was pushed right to the edge of death, so to come out of it on her own is incredible progress.

I give her a few more words of encouragement before I leave her in Invidia's care and go to greet the Grove Keepers. Before I do that though…

"Protectant… how are you holding up?"


Just freaking answer when I speak to you, dammit!

don't wish to expose ourselves before the

"They're our allies!"

"… for now."

suspicious lot. Fine. Fine! Don't pop out, just answer

we're alright?" A hint of curiosity

I'll explain how I'm able

few injuries have been sustained, but we are able

did well," I

they fought hard on the edges of the conflict. Without them trimming

guards, I go and have a chat with the Grove Keepers. Good to finally see them

if her mind were slowly rising to the surface of a swamp. The rage still clung to her, thick, like molasses. But she was coming out of it. Every breath was so heavy, each giving her that little bit more clarity. As she returned to herself, the pain arrived. Held at bay by her berserk state, it

forcing broken mandibles from her flesh as her skin came together. Even now, she could tell she was heavily injured.

She had taken a stand for the family she'd chosen and she knew they would be worried for her, but grateful for what she'd done. The collective pride of the Colony would rise up and smother her like a blanket. She would gladly sink

a little stronger. With the support of the Colony, and the encouragement of Anthony, she felt confident the day would soon come

down on the cold stone, still breathing heavily as she

She'd come so far.

refused to

[… Sarah?]

almost didn't notice. She was so tired, she may well have imagined

[… Sarah?]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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