
Chapter 987

There is an element of madness to every mage who dares to tackle dimensional magic. I'm uncertain if this has to do with the mana required, the convoluted nature of the spells, or the fiendish difficulty, but for whatever reason, dimensional mages are almost universally deranged.

My friend, the great Magio-Scholar Timus, has a pet theory that the overwhelming stimulation of receiving so much sensory input is the key factor. Tracking vectors across dimensions, feeling out nebulous, invisible boundaries, computing mana waveforms, all while attempting to cast even the most basic spell. It's a lot to take in, a lot to process in a frighteningly short amount of time. She believes that only someone quite disconnected from reality could possibly have a hope of achieving it.

Excerpt from the private notes of the Magio Scholar Arctus

Jim didn't understand what had happened. He'd tunnelled so carefully, using all of his abilities to their limits in order to remain undetected.

He just had to find Sarah. Had to talk to her.

She was being used, driven back into the very life that she had fled. The gentle, caring figure that he'd found amongst the shapers, wounded by her time in the savage Dungeon and in desperate need of emotional support, was now nowhere to be seen.

He could sense her, he'd gotten close enough for that. Wounded, close to death, her life force leaking out onto the tunnel floor as she soaked up healing magic like a sponge. Anthony had pushed her to the limit and she'd nearly died. Again.

There was no limit for that shameless creature. He would drag Sarah into every battle so he could harness her strength for the Colony until she went mad or finally fell in battle. He couldn't allow it.

When he'd finally succeeded in reaching out to her undetected, something had gone terribly wrong.

Sat safe inside his space-warping tunnel, he'd felt a strange lurch, as if something had lodged right in his gut. He'd immediately gone into a defensive thrash, but there was nothing there, at least nothing he could sense.

Panic rushed to the surface, only exacerbated by the sudden appearance of five ants next to Sarah.

He felt mind magic begin to batter at him immediately and he did his best to ward it off as he began to scramble. His long worm body twisted in and around itself as he desperately turned himself around and tried to speed away.

His whole body jolted heavily and he slumped to the floor of his own tunnel, utterly confused.

If he was panicked a moment ago, now he was frantic.

that moment of distraction, the ants

Think you can get away this time? Think you're hidden?! I

themselves at the walls of

more to flee, and when he came up against the strange resistance, he pushed against it as hard as he

defeat the spatial hook? Foolish! You've been locked in place, no more of your space warping tricks. Time

worm even further. He pushed and pushed, every link in his long wiry body trying to drive himself

from me!] he shouted back. [Leave

snuffed? The future generations of my family that you destroyed? I don't

allies dug faster and faster as they approached the wall of his hidden tunnel. The closer they drew, the more

as something deep within him tore, but finally he felt some forward momentum.

no you don’t!]

but he didn't care. So eager to flee he paid attention to nothing else, he rushed forward now that he finally could, gaining momentum until, a

earth he'd used to

did you? I didn't expect you'd be able to foil my hook, but as I said, there's nowhere you

sense of where he was. He


scoffed. [It took me days to figure out how to get here

being pulled, slowly, through the … air? His long body

no, no!] he whined and lunged

a wave of

little hot, worm? Then why come?! I call this one 'the

wasn't away! He lunged

this one and I can't close my eyes… of course you would

He lunged again.

it when I don't have width! I hardly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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