
Chapter 1043

“SHIELDS!” Advant shouted, her pheromones washing over the entire area in a mighty burst.

The two mages, thankfully, were quick to respond and a shield sprang into being around the large soldier, mere moments before the mess of vines engulfed her completely.

She lunged forward, mandibles snapping as she sheared through hundreds of the tough, living ropes, not noticeably making a dent in them.

“Need some fire?” Propellant asked, eager.

“Of course I want some damn fire! Why are you asking? Just cast it already!” Advant hollered.

An immediate burst of flame washed over her, igniting the vines and driving them back temporarily. Of course, it also set the fine hairs on her antennae on fire at the same time….

“Not me, you idiot!”


Unsurprisingly, Propellant didn’t sound all that apologetic as she watched the plant monster retreat, smothering the flames with its innumerable vines. Coolant sighed and conjured a jet of water to douse the singed soldier.

“Really now, you should be able to aim better than that, sister.”

Now dripping wet, Advant fumed silently for a moment before deciding she could no longer hold it in.

“You two have been useless since we got down here,” she sniped at the bickering mages. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d had a falling out of some sort.”

Propellant and Coolant stood awkwardly for a moment.

You’re being ridiculous. Get over yourselves and stop making mistakes, or I’ll tell the Eldest how stupid

the vines to surge up the tunnel once again to snag Advant

was your fault,”

“The creature is clearly weak to

vines. You could

because you’re mad the

You’re just being petty because they didn’t have a mega-ice spell

then use it. Go help Advant

“Maybe I will!”

love to see

for a long moment, staring at each other until a bedraggled figure trudged out of

Advant ground out. “If the Eldest were here to see your incompetence, you’d be back

defended herself

don’t want to hear it,” the soldier cut the two

done to Advant’s carapace. There were a number of smaller wounds as well, places where the vines had pierced flesh

somewhat stumped. It was unusual for any members of the Colony to have a disagreement of any kind. Beyond unusual, exceedingly rare, but it did happen. Then again, two individuals with such diametrically opposed personalities were seldom asked to work together as often as Coolant and

in the way of their task, which was not acceptable. Especially because Advant was the one counting on them to

to come with so few in the team because I assumed you two

other askance, antennae drooping with shame, though neither willing to admit

a frustrated puff of

for who knows how long, and we have a ton of things to do, but you two can’t let

right,” Coolant said. “We are not

Advant remarked, still picking chunks

not to set you on fire. I can’t promise

light roasting was the issue. I sincerely hope that whatever is bothering the two of you is resolved as soon as possible. For now, let’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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