
Chapter 1044

The Queen crunched her demon prey with satisfaction. A strange, bladed creature, the monster had put up quite a fight before she’d been able to overpower it. There was something so gratifying about hunting for her own Biomass. She doubted she would ever get tired of it.

“This area isn’t secure, Mother. We shouldn’t tarry for long.”

There was something else that she was definitely tired of, though.

“We are perfectly safe, my child,” she gently reminded the soldier charged with managing her security today. Her antennae waved to indicate the area around them. “We are secure within the borders of the Colony. There are cities held by our family in every direction. What harm can possibly come to us?”

Indeed, the Queen was suffering from the overprotective nature of her children even more than usual lately. She insisted on her daily hunts, but the restrictions they tried to put on her grew more onerous by the day. The area she’d been limited to held only meagre prey, and wasn’t large enough to replenish between hunts. What’s more, it was bordered on all sides by Colony strongholds. She was literally surrounded by armies of her children.

She’d even begun to suspect they were combing the hunting grounds to prune out any creatures that they thought might be too dangerous.

She was a patient creature, the Queen, filled with love and acceptance of her children’s quirks, but even she had limits.

“I think I’ll head somewhere different and continue my hunt,” she announced, “I am not yet satisfied with the Biomass I have collected.”

Indeed, it was difficult for her to gain sufficient food on these trips, since there were so few higher tier demons.

grew still and looked at

to return back to the nest right about now. You wouldn’t want to miss your quota for

plenty of time. You are not obliged to come with me, of

abandoning you!” She paused after her outburst

place clean before she got there. The Colony hadn’t had the antpower to waste babying her like this

Colony controlled and sanitised areas

the tunnels to the layer below. I

walking toward the nearest tunnel entrance. There was

You can’t go down

I can, child. The tunnels are more than wide enough, I know that

had been constant since the Colony had made their home here. Constructing wide and safe pathways was always a priority for the family. Luckily enough, even

That was likely a good thing. If the children started to make roads even larger to accommodate that

her guard protested. “That area isn’t

that I’m not strong enough? Do not worry yourself. I was fighting long before even

she could get there. She didn’t mind, she couldn’t

the layers below! Powerful demons of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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