
Chapter 1078

These menus are always intimidating due to their sheer size, but I’m prepared to go the distance on this one, I can’t afford to make a mistake and pick the wrong options. There’ll be no reset after this one.

I suppose it’s technically possible to do one, but that would be a criminal waste of evolutionary energy. Basically a punch straight into my own face.

So I have to be careful, no yahoo off the cuff stuff. I’m going to peruse these menus with extreme focus.





Wazzat?! Curse these damn lists! Despite having so many brains and such a high Cunning score, how is it possible my attention span and capacity to look at fine details remain so terrible?

But I can’t give up, I won’t!

With renewed determination, I begin to scroll once more. Most of these, I’m not interested in, obviously. Long ago, I decided against using mutations for specific resistances. I want my improvements to be as broadly applicable as possible. Naturally, that means I have to settle for a bit of oomph in many areas rather than a huge shazam in one. It’s the wiser tradeoff.

neutron star, that is. Most mutations add a layer to the outside of the carapace, like my diamond mutation which coated my exo-skeleton in a fine layer of the precious gem. That worked great,

issue with my own mana skills. I can create shields to protect myself from projectiles, or

what I need is not even more defence. What I need, are mutations that will help synergise with what I hope to make my greatest strength: my

gravity bolt, welding my opponents to the

finally, after all this time, I can make it

only natural that there should be some specific mutations for it attached. I eagerly scroll

I find only three that are relevant

to repair damage

fine. There’s synergy there, sure. I want to use gravity mana in battle, which will generate gravitational

I can use my inner-plating for something like this, or rely on my regeneration

gravitational energy to further compress and

behind. It’s not adding an extra layer onto my carapace, but toughening up what I already have whenever I use gravity magic, which I intend to do, all the time. I can already see myself floating gracefully through the air, carapace absorbing that sweet energy from the well, making me

enhances the resonating properties of Gravity Compressed Diamond to provide a boost

one is also quite sweet. Turn my defence into offence! I can get behind it. The more I reinforce this mutation,

I should take both mutations and then fuse them in

I love it!

selecting Magnification at +5, Hardening at +10, fusing at +15, then repeating the

Intensifying Compression Carapace (Gravity Compressed Diamond)

in and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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