
Chapter 1079

It’s expensive taking something from 0 to +30. Four hundred and sixty five! Just imagine that number. It wasn’t so long ago that I could barely imagine having that much Biomass ready to use.

As it is, after the hunting I’ve done with the gang and vacuuming up the food the others didn’t need, I only have enough stored away to mutate these two body parts, and only barely at that. If we hadn’t run into a few high tier monsters on our hunt, I would never have stored enough.

I do the same with the plating as I did with the carapace, taking the one option at +5, the other at +10, then fusing, and repeat the process up to thirty. Satisfied with my selections, I punch in the confirmation and await my fate.

Here it comes.

Oooooo, it’s going to be a bad one. I can already tell.


[Crinis! Cover me!] I howl as I immediately flop onto my back and start thrashing wildly.

Being as large as I am, the thrashing is all the more spectacular and I’d prefer none of my siblings were able to see it. Ugh, just horrible. Why is it that I have to put up with this dreadful sensation when I mutate? Nobody else seems to roll about suffering like I do. What’s the deal?! I’ll have to mention it to Gandalf the next time I see him. In fact, that’s all the motivation I need to push for tier eight, forget about this stupid hook the Ancients stuck me with.

Eventually, the itch fades and I right myself quickly. I want to check my carapace as fast as possible! I look over myself, inspecting every detail. Surely I’m more shiny than before? There’s no way my lustre was reduced even further, is there?

Thankfully, I believe I can detect a little more oomph to the deep purple shimmer that can be seen within the diamond. It isn’t much, but I’ll take it. I don’t remember ever feeling vain as a human, but for some reason, I became quite attached to my glimmering carapace. It caught the eye and really lit up the room, in a literal sense.

[Is everything alright, Master?] Crinis asks as I continue to check over myself.

[Yes, it’s all fine. Now that the itch is gone, I just wanted to see how the new mutation looked on the carapace.]

as imposing as always, Master,] Crinis assures

itch all the time. Every time I mutate, it’s like my entire


feel it? What happens

really. I feel a bit

being a shadow creature. Dammit,

least you get what I mean, Tiny. The mutation itch is just


do you mean,

chest and then gives me a

is outrageous! How come nobody told me anything about

Tiny shrugs.

did?! I think

this injustice right away. It’s completely unfair that only us reincarnated folks have to put up with this.

all since I evolved, not since the resolution to the whole

got a real family now, one that cares for her. Mandibles crossed, that’ll be enough. Although it probably

much asking around for me to work out where she is. Not in Roklu, as it turns out, but another ant held demon-town closer to the border we share with the lizard wizards. She’s been assisting to suppress the demon shenanigans

a hard

a squad of a hundred ants, looking tough and intimidating. I run up to her with an urgent wave of the antennae, reaching out

[Hey, Sarah!]

sounds a mixture of surprised and confused when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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