
Chapter 1097

Tangling with the big boys, wrestling with the top dogs, that’s my job as the strongest the Colony has to offer. The first time I went up against a tier seven demon, it was Grokus, and he very nearly had me for dinner. The last time I tried it, I absolutely annihilated the opponent so quickly they didn’t have time to pick their nose.

In fact, it was so fast I’m not even sure they had a nose…. In that instance, I had to go all out to protect the Queen, but here, I can be a little more discerning and test my limits a little more.

I’ve got enough Biomass stocked away for a decent mutation session, and I’d like to have a clearer idea of just what I need before I commit. This can be my chance for data collection.

The horde we find is several thousand demons strong, and rather worryingly seems to be heading towards the pillar behind us, which leads directly into the territory of the Colony. Considering how busy they’ve been, I don’t think there remain many cities in this area that haven’t been visited by the demon hordes. Any non-demon occupants have been excised, so now they need to go looking further afield for targets.

The time when the Colony is going to clash head-on against the demon uprising is fast approaching, but if we play our cards right, we can delay it just a little bit longer.

[Get ready, gang,] I tell the others. [We’re going to commit to this one. Not a single demon in that horde is allowed to survive. I want you guys to peel away the weaker demons so I can have a crack at the tougher monsters in the centre.]

The three of them nod in affirmation, pumped up and ready to fight, but someone else pops up to spoil the positive atmosphere.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Eldest?” Protectant pops into existence not far away, looking somewhat tired and bedraggled.

“Of course it’s a good idea. We can deal with this threat here and now, and my comrades need precious levels to push them closer to evolution. There’s so much winning involved, it almost beggars belief. What’s your problem?”

Silent Shield rubs at the carapace between her eyes with a foreleg, as if relieving a

thousands of enemies in total. Of course it’s dangerous! It’s also completely unnecessary. You know just as well as I do that if this demon army climbs that pillar, there is an entire fortress filled with ants waiting to greet them on the other side. They’ll be annihilated!

good points, but there are other things to consider. For

slightly, giving the

EIGHT. What do you think is

were discussing…” she protests

slackers! Get your mandibles ready, because you are charging into that horde along with the rest of us, and you’re going to like it, dammit! Get all the experience, Biomass and cores you can, I’m going to

“Not rea-”

“Good. Go!”

the plains, my legs are a blur and the air pressure blows my antennae back against my carapace. Tiny whoops with joy as he rumbles

sense the twenty baby-sitters falling in behind us as we charge, forced to go along with the plan

to see us as we are to see them. The lead demons go absolutely berserk, red eyed and frothing as they hurl themselves towards us. Once the front of the group gets moving, the rest

Bring it!

plains, and I slam through them like they aren’t even there. With every chomp of my mandibles or

me run straight through a thousand demons, not without drawing on the Altar, at least. If I need to use it, then I will, but for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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