
Chapter 1098

Looking at all the demons slumped on the ground around me, it's a good feeling. A dangerous feeling!

The dark one is stirring… I can feel his hunger!

Yes! Kneel before me, you worms! Gweheheheheh! Hack! No… I must resist! I cannot allow the light to fall into the shadows. Not today, Dark Anthony! Your time will come, but it shall not be now!

I manage to push the glee I feel at seeing these weaker demons forced into the stone by my gravity domain to one side. There are tier seven monsters lurking about and I can’t be taking them lightly. No matter how powerful I think I am, I need to remember that they’re the same level of evolution as me.

Behind me, my comrades are going absolutely berserk. With the support of my twenty bodyguards adding to the chaos, the three of them are able to munch through huge numbers of monsters without being in much danger.

Protectant, Guardian and the rest are obsessed with remaining in the shadows to the point that they’d erase their existence entirely if they found a way to manage it and still hang around annoying me.

After seeing the Mythic evolution options and how crazy they got, I’m half worried that they’ll all choose to turn into some sort of energy parasite and attach themselves to me. Or something even weirder, that only exists in the minds of those who wish me harm.


They would do it too. Like, they wouldn’t even hesitate. Maybe I need to rethink whether I should push them to level up…. Some are tier six already, after all!

I know I can’t, though. If even one of them dies on the job, then I’ll never forgive myself. Forget bodyguards. I spend more time worrying about their well-being than I do my own.


need to find out which of the Council came up with this

these demons… I’ve got a lot of anger to work out

ineffective. A few brighter sparks start firing spells at me, but my battery of mind-constructs rip the more

monsters in this way, it's easy for me to find the tier sevens, and when

them, and they look like a rather intimidating trio. First, there’s a big chunky boy, reminiscent of Grokus, though not the same sort of demon. Huge, flabby, and with a slavering, tooth-lined maw. The second is at least a type I recognise, a War Demon. Huge, powerfully muscled, with barbs and blades aplenty for engaging in its chosen obsession. Those types are intimidating beasts, to say the

rush toward me. Immediately, I can feel the difference between these and the other demons. The Fatty and War demon burst into my domain and barely

You think I can’t

but air as I react with preternatural speed. I slide to one side


sucked into the centre of the strike zone before suffering the devastating power of the manifested mandibles. These two aren’t as weak as the other trash around here. Big and tough, they can take a hit or


of me being stationary during the Void Chomp, a blast of magic flies through the air and bites

I knew they’d hit me, but I was surprised they were able to throw out a spell potent enough that I couldn’t tear it apart. That mage-type might

face and I immediately have to reassess that opinion as the giant creature

much longer than I am tall, meaning the


devastating bite, unleashed just after




have hardly any time to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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