
Chapter 1128

My time amongst the Colony taught me one lesson more than any other, and it was an important one to learn. I always considered the pompous attitude of the Cults to be undeserved. After failing to produce an Ancient for thousands of years, what right did we have to be arrogant? None at all. Yet so many of my fellows believed the accumulated knowledge of the cults to be complete.

Complete? We had barely scratched the surface of what was possible! Hubris blinded too many of my colleagues, and only a few possessed the frenzied drive required to push our understanding further.

The ants showed me that the amount we still had to learn was far more vast than even I had believed. What they, a ‘weak’ and overlooked species, became capable of, the evolutionary paths and abilities they unlocked, were far beyond what anyone had imagined.

Beyond that, the Colony possessed a relentless, almost fanatical drive to complete their understanding of the System and its intricacies. If the Cults had possessed a fraction of that energy, they would have completed their task a millennium ago.

- From the personal notes of Granin Lazus.

I end up having to wait a little while for Tiny and the others to finish their own powerup sessions, but when they’re done, we group up and I march off to find Granin, Torrina and Corun.

Apparently, the three of them have been holed up in their offices through the start of the wave, and I don’t fit in there anymore, so I have to send a scout to run a message for me.

When the triad eventually emerge, I can see the surprise on Granin’s face. That’s saying something. The man has a layer of solid granite over his features, so it isn’t always easy to register his expression.

He’s literally stone faced.

[What’s happening, Granin? Taking some time to relax?]

The big golgari blinks at me. As large as I am now, it’s easy to forget that he’s about eight feet tall.

[I wouldn’t say we’ve been relaxing,] he rumbles in my mind, [I don’t think anyone is relaxing in the third, given the,] he waves vaguely out the window toward the chaos, [goings on.]

[Fair enough….]

really sure how to continue. I’ve been hiding stuff from these three for so

Granin frowns. [Seeing you hesitating over what to say is creeping

like I

says bluntly. [Now

I grumble. [Although I didn’t expect to get all this attitude. I figured it was about time I came clean about

he’s definitely surprised, as are

think you were ever going to tell us the specific details of your species. And that’s fine,] she

off from your people for a long time, and been nothing but helpful to me and the Colony. I’m often bumbling

it, I can definitely see a twinkling in Granin’s eye. I’m not sure if

more comfortable so we can work,] he says and we shift to a spot

ground and flop my legs out. I’m not sure the Colony has built an ant-chair my size yet. I’ll have to

don’t you start from the top. Unless you’re willing to let us

I hesitate.

I’ll just tell you, if you


good job at hiding his eagerness, but Torrina and Corun aren’t. The latter

three-stage series that started with Juvenile Colony Paragon,] I start. [The feature of this evolution was that it provided me with an organ that allowed members of my family to provide me with energy in the form of Will. It’s called

look at the three, who

[Clear so far?]

[K-keep going,] Granin coughs.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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