
Chapter 1129

It takes a few minutes for Granin to come back to himself. Torrina and Corun fuss over him as he lies on the ground in a catatonic state, only to break out of it with boisterous laughter.

Which goes on for way too long, by the way. I’m about to nope out of the situation and creep out of the room when he suddenly sits up and returns to his chair, still chortling away.

Judging by the looks on his students’ faces they haven’t seen him laugh this much, probably ever. I have to admit, even though I haven’t known him as long as they have, seeing the normally stoic shaper with a grin on his face is creeping me the heck out.

[Granin, I honestly thought if you smiled, your face would crack.]

[Hey, that’s a rude thing to say to my people. We’re very sensitive about cracking and chipping,] he says, still smiling.

I give him a ten thousand lens stare, an intimidating glare which only those with gigantic compound eyes can perform.

[You need to pack that grin away or I’m out of here,] I warn him and he immediately wipes his expression clean. [That’s better. Mind telling me what is going on in that head of yours? That was quite a reaction you had there.]

The other two nod, still standing close to their mentor, worried for his health. They should be worried for his sanity, more like!

Folding his huge granite-coated hands beneath his chin, the old golgari sighs and shakes his head.

[I wanted to put you on the path to being an Ancient so badly. We don’t know much about their species, organs, abilities or mutations, but we know a little. More for some of them than for others. Your Vestibule, Nave and Altar have put you on a path to become a demigod, thriving on the energy of your followers. And you did it by accident. Before you even met me.]

Granin quickly buries his face in his hands and his shoulders start to shake with silent laughter. I feel a little insulted. He holds up a hand in apology and collects himself.

[Hurrump! Anyway. N-No wait.]

he slams a stone-covered fist into

[Are you done?]


a long, slow breath,

belief, or Will, or some other intangible force

nod and he blows out

other species of monster, I suppose. You two

to his two students, who both shake their

should have told you about it. Normally, this sort of information is restricted to those who’ve proven themselves within the Cult, but we’re a little cut off at the moment and our work is

[That jerk?]

at all. Of all the Ancients I know about, that one seems like the worst. What he’s doing to the demons is downright


say that!] Corun hisses at

didn’t… we’re talking

[Don’t think it, then!]

me, worried. [We can’t know what they are and aren’t capable

is getting thwacked, no matter what,] I grumble. [I think I saw him, actually. His face formed out of mana out on the plains and he looked at me.

before me look utterly horrified and deeply reverent at the same time. They appear as if they can’t decide whether to

mana before

[Ye-... no?]

You suck at

of his tier eight followers jumped me. That was

his face in his hands. The other two look at him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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