
Chapter 1130

The variety of ways a monster can develop themselves is essentially infinite. The number of known Skill fusions is always growing as more and more variations are explored. Of course, there are standard options, things that have long been known and recognised as strong, but those who are willing to explore and delve for new combinations are often rewarded.

In terms of mutations, the possibilities are again, endless. The number of organs that can be added to a monster is vast, to the point where, after thousands of years, the combined Cults still haven’t explored them all, not even a fraction. How those organs interact and function with each other can have a huge impact on performance as well. And that’s before they become modified with mutations.

Some members of the Cult spend their entire lives exploring a particular niche, one type of monster, one subset of organs, and in this way, they are able to grow our collective knowledge, one step at a time.

- Excerpt from “Designing Monsters” by Torrina Laksham

[So the species requirement of your Vestibule is gone?]

[Yes. Ages ago,] I state confidently, though I only figured it out a few hours past.

[Must have happened when you reset the organ,] Granin shakes his head. [What’s it formed from now?]

[Soul Crystal. Same as the Nave. Same as the Altar.]

[S-Soul Crystal?]

The big rock-coated golgari stumbles again.

[That stuff is… extremely valuable. You may want to keep to yourself that you have… did you say three? By the Worm, you’re going to kill me here today. Are you sure there aren’t more shocking revelations?]

I hesitate.

the Gravity Mana

Gravity Mana thing?]

learned the Gravity Magic Skill, so now I have access

[Just one?]


what the gravity well is capable of. He absorbs this

can take that. I suppose this explains a lot of your mutations

trying to rebuild myself into a Gravity Ant to take advantage of my most powerful ability. My Carapace is Gravity Compressed Diamond, as are

ape gives an approving

done to synergise with your Gravity

gravity spell I cast. Lately, I pushed it to +35 and now


until a little after I’ve moved,] I explain. [It’s subtle,

[Fair enough. What else?]

and helps regenerate the carapace if it's damaged. After that is the Gravity Magic Gland,

grunts as he leans back and rubs his chin. [What else have you got going

which can detect a very short time into the future, along with my hyper-enhanced reaction speed that lets me dodge things before they come close to hitting me.

put a lot of effort into your acid gland. It’s not

a little defensive. I may not be using my acid much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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