
Chapter 1131

Granin felt as if he had a headache coming on. Scratch that, he felt like a boulder split straight down the middle. Shock after shock had come from that gigantic ant until he felt as if the ground were shaking under his feet. It was even more aggravating that Anthony had no idea what he had become. To the people of the Cult, an Ancient was a god. A peerless being of almost fathomless power. The strongest creatures on Pangera, each and every one of them could destroy cities, or devastate armies, with contemptuous ease. And they had, during the Rending.

Anthony had become a proto-ancient, a demi-god, with power beyond what a normal monster would have. Every Mythic monster was powerful, but what he was now capable of went beyond that. Granin was certain that the young monster had no idea just what the Cathedral inside him would enable.

The ant had described the torrent of power that came flooding through the Vestibule. Hundreds of thousands, possibly more than a million ants were currently within range, so the flow of Will was doubtless enormous.

But the Colony was only what… a year old? Maybe two? What would happen in ten? Or fifty? With enough mutations, Anthony might be able to fit a billion of his siblings within the range of the Vestibule. What then?

After a long life working toward a single goal, to have that goal suddenly so close to hand was almost painful to Granin. The weight of the combined Cult members, from all of the Cults around Pangera, over thousands of years, pressed down on his shoulders.

Success here could stave off a second Rending. Would bring fruition to the grand design of the Ancients.

Failure would haunt him for the rest of his life.

“No pressure,” he rumbled to Corun and Torrina, “but we need to give Anthony some advice, and it had better be good. He’s finally opened up to us, we can’t let him down.”

“My mind is completely blank,” Corun stated, still in shock. “All I can think about is centipedes.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know!”

youngest student,

please tell me you have

stared at him for a long moment, her eyes clearly critical of him. Her stare

there are some Skills that Anthony has definitely overlooked. Predictive Thinking would be an excellent addition, given his ability to see

her, calming himself down a little. “What about the Nave, though? He wants

the options with Anthony, and

Any thoughts,

many legs? And the claws as well? Centipedes are… so

him. Thoughts on

most powerful asset is the Altar, and that mutation will allow him to squeeze more power out of it. After that, he should carefully consider mutations that accentuate the unique properties of the Nave. It allows him to communicate with those contained within, right? Perhaps he can create more ‘seats’ which will allow

be invaluable. Perhaps there’s

not necessary, given the number of mind constructs he can host,” Torrina refutes. “It would be trivial for him to check in on everyone within the

cool head.” Granin turned a hard frown at Corun who still seemed lost to the winds. “This idiot is going to get

have any other Skill suggestions? There’s a couple more I could suggest, but

to have higher rank Skills than many low-ranked ones. That’s

pondered for a

work well for him right

back to the table at which Anthony was waiting. The ant was an intimidating sight; the force of his aura, even when he wasn’t actively flexing his Will, was unstettling. Even as a physical presence, he was domineering. His diamond carapace gleamed a faint purple, along with his mandibles, and the light almost seemed to get pulled into him. Sitting on the ground, his legs propped up, the monster felt incredibly massive. Just

we don’t want to be reckless with what we suggest. Given more time, we can cook up some more interesting combinations,] Torrina apologises for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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