
Chapter 1154

Hunkered down in my little bunker, I can’t see much, or even sense much, with the surroundings filled with ash, so it’s no surprise that Torrifex’s fireball takes me by surprise.

A brief flash of powerful fire mana, followed by my stone barrier glowing cherry red then melting away is all the warning I get. Even my antennae don’t give me enough of a heads up to do anything about it. All I can do is curl over like a pill-bug and hope for the best as the devastating fire erupts all around me.

Quite naturally, I’m sent flying by the force of the explosion.

My legs waggle in the air beneath me as I try to get my bearings and assess the damage. Firstly, HOT! That was a spicy meata-ball! I’m literally smoking, there is smoke coming off my carapace.

Stupid demons! How dare they sully my shininess with their pitiful magic? I’ll make them pay! Or, I’d like to make them pay, but perhaps not right at this moment. Looking down, I can see the vast ocean of dense ash clouds waiting for me to land in them, and I’m not too keen on the experience.

Shield mana! Don’t fail me now!

With so many mind-constructs churning constantly, I manage to create the shield beneath my legs just as I reach the peak of my arc, before I begin to descend.

Holy moly, I really got shot high up. I might be able to see my house from up here!

Of course, this means I’m stuck in plain sight, about fifty metres off the ground.

Beneath me, three tier eight demons glare upward with hungry gazes. Torrifex is so mad he’s practically boiling, I swear if he gets any more red he’s going to explode. Or maybe he’s just preparing another massive fireball to detonate me in mid-air.

Yep, that's definitely what he’s doing.

Please, Invidia, I hope to goodness you’ve finished your work. I also hope that idiot can do what she said she can do. Otherwise I’m going to thwack her right into the next century!

Torrifex launches his fireball, and at the last possible moment, I dive from my platform and freefall downward. Behind me, the fireball detonates like a miniature sun. A very angry, rage-filled sun.

but I don’t allow it to distract me. Sunk deep into meditation, I let my fears and worries slide

this and

push them as hard as I can, sucking in mana, pumping it into the contructs I’m maintaining, and weaving

in about one second.

slashing upward, seeking to pierce me

all three of them, packed so tightly together. I can do this! All I need

me at once, smashing me from every side simultaneously. A moment later, the ash cloud envelops me and I can’t see anything but black, and can’t feel anything but

manages to cut massive grooves into my diamond carapace, but not enough to get all the way through. Not on that strike, at least. After that, the destruction properties in the ash take over and I feel like I’ve been dipped

It’s very unpleasant.

as time passes. When I finally manage to hit the ground, I’m down to half, which is

Take this, you fools!

outward from me just as I contact the ground. As

instant, everything around me is coated in a thick layer of mud, including


the next, it has

to keep tier eight demons still for long. I think I have…


before I reach out to the nebulous connection I

pretentious butt

by a strange pop, and a little ant manifests

isn’t pretentious if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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