
Chapter 1155

I don’t even need to look to know where we’ve landed. Before sight returns to my eyes, I heave a sigh of relief.

Through my Vestibule, a torrent of energy floods in. The Nave hums with power, and soon enough, the Altar begins to rapidly fill. That’s not all. My fatigue washes away, my acid and regeneration gland replenish at absurd speed, allowing me to trigger another wave of healing that makes my body thrum with vigour.

That crazy little ant actually pulled it off. She told me she was getting close to mastering dimensional travel, that the Colony would soon have gates, but her ability to pop in and out of places was growing stronger all the time.

Before, she was able to take me along with her, but now she can bring along a few more for the ride.

Tiny, Invidia, Crinis and Al have all made it back safely through the dimensional jump. We’ve arrived back at the top of the third stratum, between two cities held by the Colony. Safety.

Of course, us five weren’t the only ones Brilliant managed to bring back.

Not far away, Torrifex, Somonax and Pyrixan stand enraged and confused. I can’t blame them for that, being whipped through dimensions is more than a little unnerving. Disorienting doesn’t really cover it either. If I were to describe it, I’d say it’s kind of like having your brain pulled inside out and then snapped back the right way. It’s going to take them a moment to recover, and I’m glad for it. I need to get some HP back.

Of course, I’ll be able to fire the regeneration gland every minute or so, considering how many ants are around. There are millions of them, and they aren’t even that far away.

In fact, there’s several hundred thousand arrayed all around us.

in energy as fast as I can, the ants waste no time in making their presence felt. I’m too far away to hear the command be issued, but

jets of concentrated formic acid rise into the air, then hang for a moment, before they begin to descend. I wouldn’t describe it as a rain of acid

megalitres of formic acid crash down on their heads, obscuring them from sight. Quickly followed by the second barrage,

sort of long range bombardment can’t keep it up for long. After the fifth shot, they’re out of juice and

a safe distance,

the massive demons, but I don’t think it’ll be enough to destroy them. I need to

within the newly formed acid lake, bubbles begin to rise as the dark liquid stirs ominously. More and

fluid in contact with the shield itself is immediately vaporised. I can already sense the surging

batter into me, even more intense than they were before. Things aren’t going according to plan, and I don’t think the heralds

around Torrifex as he seethes with fury, his skin shifting and bubbling

ash, the aura of destruction emanating from her is so thick even the acid vapour is

is the most terrifying. Her bloodlust has become so thick the air around her has become tainted red. Each of

ants to this party. From the encircling army emerges a host of demons, almost all of them tier six. These are the demons who

fury, a torrent of fire

After the torrid fight we’ve been through, they can’t be in their peak condition, but

firepower, I watch carefully for any hint of motion. My brains feel like they’re melting, pushed to the limit, each of my dozens of mind constructs is frantically working to draw in mana and add

as I pack more and more power into it. To provide enough power, I had to create a gravity mana construct, and that thing

precious, precious energy refills rapidly. With this many

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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