
Chapter 1157

A great sense of relief floods through me as the notifications continue to rain down. In the end, my overwhelming gravitic magic, empowered by my Altar, was able to be the difference maker, just like I hoped it would.

Honestly, the power I get from the Altar, and the unbelievable strength of the gravity spells, feels a little like cheating, especially when combined. It feels like it wasn’t that long ago I was just a little, midget hatchling, scraping out a living hiding on ceilings and fighting for my life against the claw-centipedes.

With this evolution, I feel like I’ve finally tipped the scale. Now I can annihilate monsters even more highly evolved than I am!


All I need is hundreds of thousands, preferably millions of my siblings standing around cheering me on, ambushing my opponents and helping me whip them through dimensions in order to set up perfect conditions for the fight.

Yessssssss. My strength shall shake the heavens! Or more appropriately, the depths!

Wait… what about the Biomass!?

When the Well fades away, I keep a keen eye out and manage to see the precious, precious Biomass falling from the roof of the stratum. Must collect! If it lands on the plains, it’ll be consumed in an instant by a gajillion larvae, producing the strongest mini-demons this stratum has ever seen.

With a tremendous amount of effort, inverted gravity bolts and platforms, I manage to collect the food in one place and hold it floating above my head, away from the ravenous gremlins.

There must be thousands of points of Biomass here, I will not allow it to be wasted! I still have so much mutating to do!

[You have done a great thing here today,] Al says, connecting a bridge with me as he floats over. [The heralds would have stopped at nothing to purge your people from this place, and pushed all the demons into following Arconidem’s Will. Here, at least, there will be some respite.]

has rubbed me the

[I’m glad I could help out your people and keep my siblings safe at the same time. I suppose you still have to deal with the compulsion, but at least you won’t have those

to maintain my presence of mind, at times. The power of Arconidem has been growing as the mana levels continue

eyeball trails away and I watch him in confusion. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Al run out of words. He seems to be thinking… about something. In fact… I think

Stay with me

look into that void again. Never

it clearly at the moment. In fact, I

a good thing,

is…. But I do not know

wants to know everything, being unable to explain how

you can figure it out, let me know. If we can get more demons to free themselves from the compulsion, that’d be

I wonder….

our private communication channel. [Are you experiencing the

Envy demon flutter a little as

[It isssss gone.]



Ancient is so keen on sending all of his kind on a rampage in the third, but I’m not a fan. If

nest and

that the truth. After the emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on,

demons, I gather up my team and we make our way back toward the nest. I bring the Biomass along for the ride, of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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