
Chapter 1158

After thinking about it for a while, I decide I don’t want to think about it anymore and get some sleep.

I mean, there’s humans in there already, why not some demons? Who cares, the more the merrier. All that good stuff.

There’s definitely some serious ramifications to something like this, but I can’t work out what they are, so I’m going to stop trying.

When we wake up, we consume the second half of the Biomass, and then go back to sleep again. When I awake the second time, I see I’m the last to get up; Al has already taken off somewhere while Tiny, Invidia and Crinis have just been enjoying each other’s company, or so I assume.

To my surprise, someone else has decided to show their face.

“Sloan? Didn’t expect to see you here. Don’t you have some stuff to deal with? Like… the wave and such?”

The general gives herself a little shake and lets out a small laugh.

“You don’t think you’re important, Eldest?”

What a ridiculous question.

“All I’m doing is sleeping. There’s nothing important going on here.”

“And what about the powerful demons you took down to save the Colony on this stratum?”

“Well, that was yesterday. Don’t live in the past, Sloan, it’s the future that we need to be concerned with.”

Another little shake.

“Well, it’s good that I came here to talk to you about the future then. There’s something I’d like you to look into, Eldest.”

“Really? I thought I’d be heading down to the fourth as soon as possible to help relieve the pressure there. Things must be getting nuts down in the deep.”

The little general nods her head.

like you to head up, to

“To the second?! Why?”

leans forward a

have identified

Ah, nards.

not as crazy as Brilliant, is

Sloan hesitates.

she says,


Brilliant,” the general assures me, “but she’s certainly


successful. Her team is undefeated in every training exercise, including every Tunnel

huh? I’m not mad about that. There’s something about the glint in Sloan’s

to be shown up in the

general flips her antennae haughtily. “Her tactics may be

“For now.”

“Y-yes… for now.”

and… what? Take her under my wing? Pass on my grand knowledge

“No, of course not.”

That’s a little hurtful.

her mandibles with sudden passion. “Learning from failure is a key element in the Colony’s education, but she refuses to

her an

barely out of training? And I should be doing this instead of going down to help our siblings on the

each time and, as a result of your training, they’ve

it’s going to be for me to go up there? Being in the third isn’t

is starving here?” Sloan

be bothered explaining the Call. Who knows what the Colony will do if they think

reason I need to go to the second? Why can’t you just bring

that’s where

“The stadium?!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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