
Chapter 1159

[What do you think of the season so far, Peter?]

The farmer smiled as he scratched idly at his chin. He still wasn’t used to talking so much, especially in public, but on the subject of Tunnel Ball, he could wax lyrical for hours.

He leaned forward a little to make sure he was speaking into the small, enchanted gem on the table in front of him.

“Well, Commentant, I could talk about the tactical advances in the game, the general shift from running plays to a Soldier/Mage grind-it-out setup, the once mighty teams who’ve fallen into the relegation zone, including the Pink Blitz, one of my personal favourites, but that’s all to the side of the real story.”

[And what would that be?] Commentant asked, as if she didn’t know.

“The Endless,” Peter said simply. “We’ve never seen a team this coordinated, this determined, and with such an unorthodox approach to the game. When other teams want to play low to the ground, they go high. If the opposition wants to fight up close, they’re elusive like ghosts, if the opposition wants to run, the Endless bog them down with impeccable timing. The strategic way they approach the game is so far ahead of the competition that it’s like they aren’t even playing the same sport.”

He shook his head, bewildered, as memories of recent matches flickered through his mind.

“I think we are seeing a revolution in what is possible on the pitch.”

[Not an evolution? That’s a term many of our listeners are more familiar with.]

“No, no,” Peter said firmly. “A revolution. Orthodox ways of moving the ball from one end of the pitch to the other are being challenged every time the Endless step onto the field. They’re playing games with the other team's mind. The Bulwarks last week….”

He shook his shaggy head.

“By the time the match was done, they didn’t know up from down anymore.”

[I have to agree. Watching that match, I felt as if the Endless were reading their thoughts. Of course, the officials checked the cores of everyone on the team and we are assured that no mind magic was employed.]

“Well that’s both a relief, and somewhat scary.”


is that they don’t even need mind magic to know what

crowd gathered in front of the table the two sat at laughed appreciatively. Not many came out for the live recordings of ‘Weekly Tunnel Ball Roundup”, but would listen to the ‘playback’ being created even as

amaze him. Nor the hunger and appetite for Tunnel Ball news. Many on the surface were clamouring to get down here, to the second stratum, where the Stadium had been constructed. This was now the home of the sport, and there were teams on the pitch every other day, as well as matches happening at smaller venues

his mood, possibly over the mind bridge connecting them. [I would never have imagined my sisters would be quite so hungry for… entertainment? We are in our first year of the five division league, and passions

many of your siblings required on the front lines, we are having teams rotated out

a concern but there’s nothing that can

heading out there anytime

family by

it’s good to know you’ll


the conversation and get this episode off to the people! We have just a few minutes left over for audience questions. You know how this works if you’ve been here before. Come stand here at the front, make sure you speak,

small ant scuttled to the front quickly, beating

time here at a live recording, thank you

you for coming,” Peter said

recent discussion as

shifted a little

on questions like that. I’m sure the Council, or possibly the Eldest, will be able to decide. I’m just a simple fan of the game and I’d like to see

the spot,

said loudly, “what are your thoughts on the Blitz

Peter jumped right in.

difficult past couple of weeks for the Blitz, and they’ve gone 3-8 in that time. Teams are doing such a good job shutting down runners on the flanks, using big bodies or mages to block the lanes, and hard-running, agile teams like the Blitz

need to find a way to make their gameplan work or change it up over the next few weeks. I would hate to lose

Next was a general.

win streak, which sits at 31-0. Do you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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