
Chapter 1160

“What’s the plan, Solant?”

Of course, the responsibility for determining the strategy of the team fell to her, and she embraced it. Even under these circumstances, against this level of odds, she welcomed that pressure.

“I’m not sure yet…” she said, “I need some time to think on this. There are many unknowns and we must plan for them all.”

The others nodded. They knew her abilities and trusted in her judgement, just as she trusted in them. Without that harmony, they would never have been as successful.

Trust your leaders, trust your followers.

She nodded to herself. That was wise. She should add it into her growing list of precepts. She didn’t have a name for the manual she was constructing yet, but it formed the basis, the guidelines, of her approach to strategy and battle.

The Depiction of Fighting.

… didn’t seem right.

The Symphony of Battle.

Better… but not quite it.

She shook her head. Useless thoughts, these didn’t matter. The Endless had just been challenged to an unprecedented match, one that threatened to derail their win streak and take the shine from their aura of invincibility.

It couldn’t be allowed to happen! Not even against the Eldest could she bring herself to yield without a fight!

the team stood around her, confident she would have

properly understand our advantages,” the small ant

Eldest,” the

though it likely won’t matter much. A broad formation should prove to be more

a direct confrontation, we wouldn’t stand a chance, but in the game, both we, and

for direct confrontation, but that’s not how you win. It’s possible

group continued to huddle, brainstorming

“We are evolutions behind, and pose no threat of actually

dangerous to rely on the possibility,” Solant mused. “Are we aware of any weaknesses

ants shifted, nobody

that much which is known about the Eldest. With certainty, I mean. It will be difficult to win if we are

them play, engage them in discussion about the exercise. In an afternoon, she could dissect an opponent's

This particular opponent, however…

“Leonidant!” she snapped.

a scout stepped

do some reconnaissance. We need intelligence on the Eldest, whatever we can get. Going into battle blind

grimly and turned

them as they felt an indomitable presence appear somewhere in the

Washingtant snapped, her

brought herself under

our opponent may have just arrived in

then, suddenly, the oppressive weight faded until it was gone,

Solant’s eyes gleamed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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