
Chapter 1182

With the arrival of Vibrant and her crew, who’d made the difficult trek from the Mother Tree’s portal to arrive in the new mountain-nest, the situation below ground stabilised rapidly. Just like their leader, the ten thousand ants who follow in her footsteps specialise in speed, which isn’t the most useful thing down in the tunnels, but they find ways to make it work.

They want space to best employ their greatest advantage, which meant the wide open plains of the third stratum had been the perfect battle ground for them and Vibrant had been super busy. Rushing from one pillar to the next, putting out fires, joining sieges, roaming the plains and sweeping up huge numbers of evolving demons. Down here, they use whatever space they can find, rushing along the walls and ceilings in dizzying loops.

Watching them charge into a tunnel is almost like watching a horizontal ant-tornado.

“All right, it’s rest time!” I declare cheerfully to Solant and her crew.

The twenty of them are still standing, but only just. After hour upon hour of non-stop movement, fighting and eating, they are well and truly done for the day.

Hang on a sec….

“I said we’re going to go rest, so chill out already.”

The shadows, which had been steadily deepening around us, begin to recede once more. I swear I see an antenna pop out of the darkness and wave an apology.

Did they really think they could swoop in and grab my student right in front of me?! I appreciate the dedication, but I’m not going to let them get away with skipping torpor. That’s the only time I get a break!

“Go find yourselves a spot in a barrack somewhere. I’ll come and find you in eight hours. You better have some interesting strategies cooked up by then, Solant! I’m keen to hear what you’ve been churning over in that brain of yours!”

the exhausted ants tottle away, I turn

you three get to tier seven, the happier I’ll be. Down here in the fourth, there’s all sorts of crazy monsters… and

Crinis. Soon enough, the three of them split up and head down different tunnels. With them helping alongside Vibrant’s army, things should settle

thing I’ve learned about the waves, they only get worse until the moment

it’s time to do the most important work of all: snooze. I’ve been working

chamber, and in moments,


troops. It isn’t hard to locate Solant, thanks to the Vestibule. So far, she’s been the easiest of the champions to deal with. At least she isn’t trying to escape all the time. Or running off at full

all the champions been fleeing from me most of the time? What a shocking

with Solant, though! Along with her crew, they are looking bright-eyed and shiny-carapaced, ready for another day of brutal and intense

into the tunnels today,

“I will?”

there, I want you to lay out the plan of attack. Our objective is to hold a tunnel for a few hours along with the troops there in the best way you can think of.

march down into the bowels of the nest, the twenty

attention, absorbing every idea they bounce around and absorbing

at all to the sudden abduction of their leader, but instead seamlessly flow into a new command structure, carrying on with the business of ensuring the nest's security. So I guess we pick our own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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