
Chapter 1183

What to do? Do I tell them I can’t remember the plan? Would that impact my dignity as the Eldest? Maybe I’ll just play along and hope for the best. What’s the worst that could go wrong?

“Do we all understand?”

“Of course.”

“No problem.”



“It’s straightforward, I like it,” I declare with every scrap of confidence I can muster. “I’ll leave it to you to coordinate with the generals at the front.”

“I understand.”

Solant is all business, solemn and serious as she goes about plying her particular trade. When we arrive, she goes straight to the generals and begins an in-depth conversation about what she wants to do that I immediately lose track of, but they seem to follow okay.

Following that, she moves around the resting troops, ensuring they understand what to do, drawing little diagrams and even running a few drills until she’s happy that they’ll move the way she wants them to.

The entire time, all I hear in my mind is static. This is a problem.

work out what on Pangera I’m going to do, I run out of time. Standing on the front line as the soldiers, scouts, mages and healers ahead of me prepare to fall


you’ll lead the way,”

“O-of course!”

the head of the troops? Or do we start with an acid barrage? She talked about acid, I’m sure of it…. Or magic? Was

a few steps forward, and when nobody corrects me I take a few more. The troops

more. They creep

that I’m moving too slowly, or is

keep scuttling forward until the ants fighting ahead of me turn and retreat, rushing past me in a blur as the ravenous monsters behind them


Do I strike?

a powerful chomp, but I hesitate. Would that ruin the plan? I don’t want to unravel the strategy! The whole point of this exercise is

enemy down for

me a headache. The monsters are almost on top

I tuck my legs under my body, bury my head in the rock

down on me ceaselessly. Protected by my absurdly tough, compressed diamond carapace, reinforced by the plating

down, I feel a little more calm knowing that I won’t get instantly annihilated at least. I can feel the ants engaging the enemy around me, acid fills the air, a non-trivial amount of it landing on me, but I can’t

ant has acid tough enough to eat through my carapace, I’d love to meet them. In fact, it’s possible a nice acid

wrong continues to eat away at me, and every second, I question whether or not I should stick my head out and do


Judging by the mana I can feel, an earth elemental just clobbered me with one of its boulders, hard enough to create some cracking in my shell. Lousy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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