
Chapter 1218

As it turned out, it did not ‘sound good’, to the brathians.

[Twenty percent! That’s usury,] she declared flatly.

[Isn’t that the percentage you were offering us?] Anthony pointed out.

[This was a number we arrived at after a lengthy discussion of the costs and risks of conducting business. I would be happy to go over them with you….]

Anthony scratched at his head as Enid did all she could to contain her smile, regardless of how hard it threatened to creep over her face.

[We are the ones making the stuff,] he insisted. [Without us, there’s no trade for you to profit from at all, you’ll have no goods. All you have to do is receive the stuff and take it somewhere you can sell it, which is something you already do. As I understand it, you have a network of caravans, merchants, markets and stores already, so you don’t have to establish anything new, this is just another source of goods for you to plug into your pipeline.]

Eran tried a different tack.

[It’s true we have an exceptionally successful business spread over multiple strata, and a strong presence in some of the biggest markets in the fourth stratum, including the Silver City. We deal with many, many suppliers as well as create our own artisanal products for sale. This isn’t a trade that we need,] she spoke with just the right amount of deprecation, insinuating that she was doing them a favour. [Access to our conglomerate is worth paying a heavy price.]

Surprisingly, Anthony nodded.

and we would benefit from that. We can’t have hard work be

her chair. Clearly, she

twenty-five percent,] the Ant announced with

was impressed. This woman was tough. Dealing with Anthony

five percent in recognition of our input?]

replied reasonably. [Before, I was giving you twenty percent, but fifteen of that was just because

as they should, and the direction of the conversation had gone far from what she had intended. Enid almost felt sorry for her.

from the deal if the

demanded they begin negotiating prices at fifty percent, no lower.

price. Anthony didn’t believe her, stating anything his siblings made was either the best in the world, or soon would

were perfectly content making things just to decorate their nests

She protested. He shrugged.


into battle,

the giant ant growing more and more irritated and the brathian delegation growing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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