
Chapter 1255

Master approached, an enormous core held firmly in his mandibles.

[Hey there, Crinis! Hope the consultation went well. Did the rock-heads have some good suggestions for you?]

Crinis writhed her tentacles happily as the giant ant approached and placed the core down in front of her.

[They did. Though I don’t think you should talk about them that way. I get the feeling they wouldn’t like it.]

[Bah. Granin gets mad no matter what I say to him. Ignoring them, I’m glad you were actually willing to correct me on my poor behaviour! That’s a step forward in your quest for independence!]

Held in a small ball with only a dozen or so limbs out, Crinis’ body froze in shock.

[Oh my goodness! I’m sorry!]

[And you addressed me without saying ‘Master’! Smashing out the milestones one after another now, Crinis!]


Her master folded his legs with a sigh and poked the quivering lump of immaterial flesh that was her with one antenna.

[You know you don’t have to call me ‘master’, I’ve never once asked you to, right? I have a name, just call me Anthony. Well, when you’re ready, I suppose. I don’t expect you to completely change your attitude overnight.]

[W-w-w-what are you saying, Master? Why would I want to change? You deserve my respect!]

[Look, if you don’t want to change, you don’t have to, I don’t really mind. Call me whatever you want. You’ve been a good and loyal friend to me for a long time now, you’ve earned at least that much.]

Her Master gave her a final poke with one leg.

rather than what you think I want you to do. Now hurry up and absorb this core, you need to evolve! I’m kind

serve her master, the one who had brought her into this life by using a core. It wasn’t any mystery, there wasn’t any doubt, not for Crinis, of how or why she’d come into this world. She was a pet, and she felt that bond to her Master deeply. Unlike what he appeared to expect, she didn’t resent it, not in the slightest.

not allowed to stay the way I am?]

exit, Anthony turned

can do whatever the heck you want to do, and

Then he was gone.


for your current species. Evolution will allow you to

will make securing XP and Biomass more difficult as fewer rewards are given for

options are

  • Mind Shredder

  • Immaterial Grasper

  • Mind Sculptor (special)

  • Void Render (special)

  • Thing Between (rare)

  • Dweller In Darkness (rare)

  • Cerebral Infector (rare)

  • had hoped, desperately hoped, that she would have a Mythic option, as her Master had, but it appeared it wasn’t to be. Perhaps her species

    would at the eighth. She would stand alongside the person she admired

    been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report

    he would already have evolved

    a mythic evolution, she would once again be

    to examine,

    chains are broken. Go where you will, and bring harm

    The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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