
Chapter 1256

[There you go, Tiny. Now you are the most intelligent ape you’ve ever been.]

He looks at me, bat features drooping miserably.

[It’s not that bad! You are being absolutely ridiculous. I took what, twenty points of Might and juiced up your brain. You’ll probably get two hundred Might or more in your next evolution. Knowing you, more.]

The big ape flexes sadly, poking at his bicep with one, thick finger.

[I didn’t even take it from your arms, you big dope. I took the bulk of it from your legs and glutes.]

If anything, he looks even more distraught now, his eyes widening with shock, then narrowing as tears begin to build in the corners. Disgusted with him, I send him off to the golgari.

[I’ve had enough of this absurd nonsense. Get in there and have your consultation, then manually evolve. That’s an order! And you may not lower your Cunning below thirty this time. That’s also an order! Now shoo!]


Tiny was very grateful to his master. It was Anthony, after all, who had done so much to keep him alive, and if he wasn’t alive, Tiny wouldn’t be able to hit things.

That would be bad.

However, his master really didn’t understand where power came from. The legs? The glutes? They gave so much lift! Without shifting his weight and using the oomph granted by his legs, he couldn’t generate punches nearly as large!

He didn’t know why that was the case, but he knew it was.

new Might on his rump. Really pump the area

to be. Thinking about all the decisions he would need to make made his

guy. You


I can tell you’ve got a lot on your plate. We’ll try and simplify everything as much

Simple was good. Simple like

you reset your bones,

thumbs up. He had indeed reforged his bones to become sturdier, then mutated them to

focus on your musculature. Your muscles. Even if you aren’t offered a free reforge for them, it’s important that you make sure you do it yourself.

tell him to, he was always going to reforge his muscles. He’d only done his bones first because these three had

smaller one

tendons that connect your muscles to your bones. If you improve your strength without also anchoring them to your bones with a stronger material, they are likely to tear

it so complicated to hit things hard?!

Then muscle?] he

Granin smiled and nodded.

stolen from Royal Road. If

your ligaments mutable, then you can reset your muscles. In fact, if you get an option that will grant you enhanced ligaments off the bat, you should

He needed that energy to put more pump in the dump! If it wasn’t to be, then it wasn’t to be. He would make what sacrifices

smaller rock

lightning by quite a bit.

to break it

figure scratched at his

stuff to make the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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