
Chapter 1257

[Finally done, eh Tiny? I’m impressed, I seriously didn’t think you’d last this long.]

When he emerged from the consultation, head aching, Tiny found his master waiting in the chamber he was to evolve in, a huge core held in his jaws. Tiny winced when he saw it. He remembered the sting of those things.

He rubbed at his head as a phantom pain echoed at the top of his scalp.

[Yeah, I know. It’s going to suck, but it needs to be done. You’ve got a better chance of getting a mythic evolution than the other two, but it’ll all go to waste if you don’t evolve with a fully pumped up core.]

His master approached and nudged at Tiny’s arm with one antenna until he opened his hand so the giant ant could deposit the gem onto his palm.

[You’re just like me,] his master said. [A first stratum monster who was never meant to make it this far. I’m proud of you, Tiny. You’ve done a great job to survive this long. And you managed to punch the heck out of a ton of monsters on the way.]

Tiny grinned broadly and instinctively flexed while giving a thumbs up, waggling his eyebrows. Anthony laughed.

[That’s a new move. After this evolution, you'll probably be back to being bigger than me, I assume. Don’t let it get to your head, and don’t start thinking you’re invincible. You might hit the hardest, but you take the fewest punches out of all of us. Make sure you toughen yourself up.]

The great ape frowned. He’d never thought of it that way. His punches were the strongest, but he couldn’t take punches himself? That didn’t sound right. That sounded… weak. Tiny wasn’t weak! He was the strongest!

Determined, he clutched the core tight in his fist. Seeing this, his master turned to leave.

it. See you on

the core was painful, as always. The moment he was

to use the

maximum level for your current species. Evolution will allow you to change your form and increase

this story on Amazon, know that it has been


evolution options are as

  • Elder Kong

  • Silverback Shadow Kong

  • Winged Collapsing Fist (special)

  • Shadow Boxer

  • Ape Fury Fist (rare)

  • Heavyweight Champion Kong (rare)

  • Boxer

  • Ape of the Mountain

  • the Storm Summit

  • options. His master had been right, as usual.

    feet, he had other things he needed to focus on right now.

    The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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