
Chapter 1281

[Ha ha! Is this really all the fabled warriors of the Folk have got? I can do this all day long!]

Grey raises his brows as I send my declaration ringing around the stadium, broadcasting to all and sundry in the crowd. The audience, normally reserved and respectful, are well caught up in the atmosphere at this point, watching their skilled swordsmen fall one after another.

I mean, they don’t boo or anything, but many of them frown, which is pretty severe by their standards. I’ve been working this crowd all afternoon.

[Are you really that keen to continue?] Grey asks privately, knowing full well what the answer’s going to be.

[Absolutely not, are you crazy? I’m getting burned, I’m getting frozen, I’m getting… beams of… dragon-shaped light shot at me. The last one grew a tree out of their sword and hit me with it!]

[You seem fine.]

[I’ve been taking damage and healing it, that doesn’t mean I’m fine. My guts hurt, my carapace has fine cracks that’ll take time to repair and I’ve run my healing gland so often it’s demanding a paid vacation!]

Grey grunts.

[Those healing glands are cheats. Monsters can repair themselves with criminal ease.]

[You really want to get into a conversation about balance between monsters and you weaklings? Maybe we get to be stronger so we can survive the murderous hellscape of the Dungeon and not get sliced by people like you? Think about that?! I mean… how much money am I even worth at this point of evolution?]

Grey squints at my gleaming carapace.

[A lot.]

[Don’t get any ideas. I come in peace. Also, think about how hard it would be to get shoes in my size.]

[Well, the line for fighters hasn’t gotten any shorter. You can keep fighting as long as you want to. More and more schools are sending their pupils, even some of the better ones.]

[Like the sword-tree lady?]

Surging Life. It is ranked in the

nines going up over time. One on one, they can’t really hope to beat me,

on Amazon, know

down. Where once there was a surge of people, arguing, gesturing and conducting business, there’s now a much smaller gathering, but even from my position, I can see Eran Thouris

point of my escapades here in the arena is to help make it a little easier for the Folk to accept us. Judging by the crowd I’ve managed

to call it here for today, Grey,

the wolf-Folk only gestures

wouldn’t it be

I shrug my antennae.

toes, culturally speaking. I’m learning a bit about your people, but I’m hardly an expert. We want good relations between the


fight,] he grins wolfishly, [and the crowd will be disappointed they didn’t get to see more good fights. Ninth swords lining up to fight a


[So… I should stay?]

are the Folk, our appetite for the fight is bottomless.

lack of people in the arena. Any time someone leaves, their seat is snapped up

you how to play tunnel ball,] I tell him. [I get the feeling your people would love

players, come to think of

Grey seems less sure.

ball… is…

a game,

religious, as

[Not yet.]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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