
Chapter 1282

It only takes a couple of minutes before I’m swept into what can only be described as a tornado of well-intended coddling.

[We’ll get you back to your nest immediately,] Eran assures me.

[We managed to get all of your people off the ships,] Marzban follows up. [We received permission once the Folk spotted the Legion fleet coming in.]

[They didn’t come through a gate?]

He looks at me like I’m insane before rushing off to organise the brathian guards who are running alongside us. After a little thought, I realise that it’s unlikely the Deep Legion are allowed to use a gate to travel here, since they likely aren’t welcome.

Next to me, Grey is managing his own little firestorm as various Folk run in and out, trying to organise themselves. I mean, it seems weird that they didn’t manage to notice a fleet of their enemies sailing toward their capital, but hey, the Folk seem pretty laid back, maybe someone just forgot to pass on a message.

For my part, I keep my mandibles shut and my mind quiet while everyone around me panics and tries not to show that they’ve panicked.

Eventually other wolf-Kin appear, dressed somewhat more importantly than the other commers and goers, judging by their robes. Grey listens carefully to what they have to say before the reserved warrior clicks his tongue in irritation.

[Bad news?] I venture.

As nice as it would be to leave all the worrying to everyone else, I wouldn’t mind learning what’s going on around here.

[Of a sort. It appears the Legion fleet was granted permission to sail by the Wind Clan, which would explain why they weren’t spotted for so long.]


[And why is that?]

Wind Clan does much of the scouting

might be a

[It would appear so.]

Still, it seems odd.

close to the Legion or something? I thought

raises a hand to stroke at the long grey fur

against them several times, and we faced… resistance… shall we say, when establishing ourselves as a people.

That’s some interesting stuff.

already tried to wipe us out once,

this story has been taken without

He grunts.

to kill you. It’s

with them

He chuckles.

Praetorians are the only warriors we’ve ever seen who are superior to our blademasters one on one. As an army, they are spread out, stationed all over the Dungeon, all around Pangera. Were they to gather

Legion. We won last time because they didn’t send enough to deal with us, and the Wave pulled

what happens now?]

will simply have to watch them so that they don’t attempt anything they shouldn’t while on

the presence of Marzban and his guards, they aren’t exactly outfitted to take on the Legion. The

going nuts performing emergency construction. With all ten thousand ants needing to

on alert. The area around the nest is swarming with

Thank goodness you returned. Are we under

under the circumstances. She runs up to me along with a host of other generals

to soothe her. “The Legion is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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