
Chapter 1288

Not being able to see the woman who stole your heart was, to be blunt, the plops. Now, it wouldn’t have done Isaac’s reputation any good if he’d been seen to be pining, a man had to maintain a certain level of respect amongst his fellow troops, after all.

Yet, deep down, underneath the bluster, the cheer, the jokes and needling, Isaac could admit it to himself. He’d been pining harder than a rustic furniture store.

What was it about Morrelia that captured his mind, body and soul? Was it the spirited, almost enraged glint in her eyes? Was it the soft curl in her short-cut hair? Or was it the intense sensation of her fist slamming into his gut? Who could say? Certainly not Isaac. Yet, when she strode out to fight Anthony, covered in thick plates of armour, he had instantly known it was her, and his heart had soared in his chest.

Now, he knelt down on one knee, gazing up at her with what he hoped wasn’t too fawning a look.

He needed to play it cool, after all. As cool as the burning flames of his passion would let him. Slowly, those gauntleted hands came up and removed the helmet, letting it hang off her hip.

And there she was.

Dark hair. Piercing eyes. Uneasy, somewhat disgusted expression.

“Isaac. What in the name of… what are you doing down here?”

There was some chatter from the stands to his left, but Isaac paid it no mind. The Legion were sitting over there, and they surely had other things on their mind than disturbing this reunion.

Doing his best to remain casual, Isaac shrugged, then realised it looked silly to shrug while kneeling, so he stood, balanced himself, then casually shrugged once more.

“Oh, you know. I thought if I kept following the big fellow around, then I might catch up with you again one day. How’ve you been? It’s nice to see you again.”

Morrelia planted her face in her palm and slowly shook her head. Probably shocked at the depths of his dedication.

“You really came all the way down here just in case you saw me again? You don’t even know me!”

incredible you are. If you give me a little

He winked, smoothly.

any lunch plans? I know a place where we can eat

to the ground, an ant raced from the stands like a flash. When

case of content theft: this narrative is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report


no! I’ve killed him!] Morrelia gasped, looking down

[What? No. He’s fine.]

punched him right in the chin! I’m surprised his head

You’re strong, but you aren’t that

look, he landed

even sitting

themselves be saddled. We don’t

has done a lot of training himself. He’s now a proud member of the ant

relieved, though she

he still has that creepy

he’s unconscious for sure. Cavalant is the one keeping

job, Cavalant.

this is more trouble than

little distracted. You better take him back and get someone


back, she turns and makes her way out of the

believe he hasn’t changed since the last

people are weirdly stubborn,] I advise sagely. [Hey, quick question,

[They better not be….]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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