
Chapter 1289

When the word comes down that we are planning to ship out, the Colony doesn’t muck around. In short order, all ten thousand ants evacuate the nest and the carvers tear it down, flattening out the soil and leaving everything just as we found it. Someone tried to leave a statue standing in the site of the former nest, but I obliterated it the moment I saw it.

I swear…

Naturally, the Folk insist on close inspections. We get counted to make sure we aren’t leaving anyone behind. Then they carefully check to make sure we didn’t tunnel into the ground and leave behind anything suspicious. I’m guessing this is mostly for show. I’d be shocked if they hadn’t been keeping an eye on the ground below us the entire time.

With all that done, we are fine to move out and get back on the ships. I am not looking forward to that, but there isn’t much choice in the matter. In an organised group, we start to make our way to the docks in an orderly fashion. Of course, it’s a little hard not to notice that we aren’t the only ones marching through Freehill towards the dock. Less than a kilometre to our right, the Legion are similarly marching. I suppose they plan to follow us around after all.


Nobody is happy about this development. Well, nobody except Isaac. The man can’t stop smiling to himself and knuckling his moustache.

[What is with you?] I ask him, exasperated.

The ant cavalryman just smirks up at me and waggles his eyebrows.

[You’ll understand when you’re older, Anthony.]

[I sincerely hope not.]

Whatever has got him acting this way, he probably needs medicine to get it fixed because this man is clearly ill.

[They’re here to kill me. You remember that, right?]

He just scoffs.

[Good luck to them.]

[Hey! Oh. You mean they need good luck.]

cans to take you down. You’ve got more lives

compliment… I

to get away and march alongside the ant column, trying to make sure nothing goes wrong. There’s plenty of trades to make and business to conduct still here in the fourth, and they are keen to get to it. However, there’s something unexpected

Folk. A lot of

looks of things. There’s a stage, and gathered dignitaries. All looking very proper

appreciated us enough to give us a proper sendoff. I have to say, the Folk

report any instances of this story on

do you know anything about this?” Sloan asks

did it pretty quickly and pretty quietly. Look, I think the brathians are just as shocked as

is going on here, they weren’t advised about it either. This is confirmed when Eran Thouris and Marzban make their way to me and say as much, asking if I know anything about

Which I don’t.

appears next


teeth in

is the only sort of ceremony we can really tolerate. Can you

[Of course.]

Luckily we ants don’t need to do much, just gather in the right spot, close to the stage, but off to the left a bit. To our right, clearly not welcome to the ceremony, are the Legion, who

You smug,

Folk up on the stage, and they begin talking, loudly. I have no idea what they’re saying, but the large gathering of Folk clearly do. There’s a lot of serious faces out there. For my part, along with my siblings, we just stand around, trying not to be bored. Well… I stand around trying not to be bored

to communicate what is being said to the rest of the Colony. I do my

this is… some important guy, whose name is super long. Feather something. And he’s… oh lord… he’s reading

all of this on?]

[Of course!]

the council, long debates and

is saying something

a lot more interested than

sure you’re imagining

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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