
Chapter 1299

[You’ve hinted that there are deep and powerful secrets or whatever. Things that Granin and his fellow worm-enthusiasts don’t want to tell me. Is that a fair statement?]

[A serviceable summation,] the ka’armodo nods. [The followers of Yarrum are more… conservative when it comes to spreading certain truths. Those of my order are known to be more open.]

[Hence the name, I suppose.]

[Yes, the Red Truth, granted to the founder of my cult by the Demon God himself, thousands of years ago during the cataclysm.]

[So… all of the various cults are aware of this secret?]

[To some extent. As I said, some of the cults are more cautious, only sharing the knowledge with a few within the inner circle. It is possible your friend Granin does not even know what I am about to tell you.]

Ancient knowledge that Granin doesn’t possess? I suppose I never even considered the possibility that not all cultists are equally informed. Obviously, I’m going to have to run all of this back past the big rockhead the next time I see him, but for now I’m keen to get some answers, finally.

[Well, I suppose I have two main questions. First, why the heck the Ancients are so keen to get another member of the club. Second, who specifically is responsible for the Call. I want to take a bite out of them.]

The setsulah, Ammon’sil, doesn’t respond well to my casual threats against the Ancients.

[You had best show some res—]

Rassan’tep snorts, and the robed servant freezes on the spot.

this behaviour, Anthony. I will speak to my

wave a

you, right? I probably shouldn’t run my mouth so much. I’m just not all that happy about having

FULLY intend to bite whoever is

you too are worthy of a measure of respect. For you to threaten or

Once he settles, the servants around him move quickly to ensure all of the tapestries, rugs and jewellery hanging off him

to ask the Ancients directly, we believe that only one of them is responsible

you spot this tale on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the

Huh. Just like that?

eh? Why do they call him the father of monsters

the Dungeon, though nobody

is not my kind. Unless he’s


Then screw that guy.

closely related to the Dungeon itself, turning pure mana into monsters. Using these techniques, he is able to send his awareness spiralling

far as I am aware, Odren is the only one to utilise it.

monster in the Dungeon? I doubt it. If anything, he’s probably latching onto monsters who are stronger than those around them, or something along those lines. I refuse to believe one

was fairly painless.

Truth itself, is dangerous

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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