
Chapter 1300

My conversation with Rassan’tep is short, and soon I have to open up the way and slip back into the pavilion, head buzzing with what I’ve learned. This is the truth of the Ancients? They’ve had enough of Pangera and want to get the heck out?

Why? This place seems fine!

I mean, would I remove centipedes from the spawn pool for monsters? Yes, yes I would. And will. Other than that, people seem to be getting along alright.

And what happens to Pangera when this dimensional boundary is broken? Is the planet fine and the Ancients just buzz off, or does it explode!? Rassan’tep was pretty vague on this point, and I think I would want a definitive answer before I decided to worship Arconidem. I mean, is the Demon God trying to blow up Pangera or not? Fairly darn fundamental question!

Surrounded by my family once more, watching them skitter about, setting up stalls, precisely laying out the fruits of their labours, I certainly want an answer to that question!

“Sloan! Can I get a minute?”

“Sure thing, Eldest! Just give me a moment.”

She finishes whatever conversation she was having and comes over to me, antennae waving furiously.

“I’m extremely busy right now, Eldest, I hope this won’t take long.”

“This isn’t a battle, you know. It’s shopping.”

“The longer we are on this expedition and the more I speak with Eran Thouris, the more similarities I see. It may have been a mistake to leave Solant behind, she would have learned much.”

Probably, but she has plenty to do where she is right now.

“I’ll be brief then, I need to talk to Brilliant. Urgently.”

Sloan’s demeanour becomes grave.

“She can come to us, as I’m sure you know, but it may cause problems if an ant is detected jumping into the middle of a ka’armodo stronghold without a gate.”

She has a good point, and I hesitate for a moment, but no, this is too serious. If the lizard-wizards get all bent out of shape, then I’ll deal with the fallout when it happens.

“This is important, Sloan. Send word. I need to talk to her as soon as possible.”

“Very well, Eldest. I’ll get it done.”

it must be stressed, said this two thousand years ago,


been taken without consent; if you see it on Amazon,


heck did you

and I swear my



correction. Never

“But my head hurts.”

a mission. A task. This will stress your mind and challenge your capabilities to their limits. Are you ready for

practically quivers with

ready! Did you

a mind bridge, because this is sensitive information I’m not

[You getting me?]

[Loud and clear.]

I have learned, from an ancient order of hidden scholars, that this world…



much reaction. I decide


continues to stare up

some sort of dimensional… barrier thing? That cuts Pangera off from the rest of the universe? Or

looking at me,

I want you to… work

[It is.]



the secret truths of the world, I’m sure I did. Where

any further! My mind is burning with curiosity! Tell

she starts prodding my leg with one

hold up a second. What do you mean “it is”?

huge dimensional wall that locks it off from somewhere. It’s present in every dimension and forms

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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