
Chapter 1302

I’m not sure what I was expecting from the golgari when we showed up on their mountain. A friendly reception? Certainly not. However, I really didn’t expect something like this.

Marzban roars something and the whole ship changes.

The boat rattles with brathian feet pounding on the wooden deck.

[There’s going to be a fight, let me down! I can kill them. Kill them all!]

[I said I’m not letting you down until you relax, and I meant it.]


Odin thrashes about uselessly, but there’s nothing he can do.

[See? You need to work out that anger. I’ll float you up some Biomass later, so be quiet for a minute.]

[I’m not a pet!]

[That’s the spirit.]

In the distance, a stone is arcing toward us through the air, fired from… something about halfway up the giant mountain in front of us. Obviously, I’m not an expert when it comes to siege weaponry or anything, but I don’t think this is going to hit us.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, as the brathian mages get together and blast it out of the sky, sending a shower of stone shards crashing into their hastily raised shields.

help?] I ask the

in this situation?]

or anything, he just genuinely wants

from the fleet, but I suspect they

a brow raised, light glittering off the scales on

[You sure about that?]

at the trajectory of this next one. I

Oh, sand

see people are freaking out all over the fleet. Shifting my head slightly I take a better look at the Legion fleet behind me. Right now, they don’t appear to be doing anything, but if things devolve any further,

the author's consent. Report any appearances on

as well take control

in a furious torrent of power. With the resulting energy, I start to weave, utilising

its arc and begins to descend, I judge the distance

care of it,] I tell Marzban, and unleash the

raw energy that floods out of my monstrous form is shocking, an invisible shockwave that radiates upwards. Hundreds of metres overhead, a gravity well snaps into being, catching the

spend a bit of energy

surprised that they defend themselves by flinging rocks at people,] I remark to Marzban. [It’s not

to stare at the mountain before us, watching

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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