
Chapter 1303

[A training drill gone wrong! Of all the absurd claims to make! How dare they treat the Conglomerate this way? I’ll set an embargo on them, I’ll establish tariffs. They won’t be able to import a wheel of cheese when I’m done with them!]

Eran is seriously upset at the treatment she’s received from the golgari. She just returned to the fleet after heading ashore to negotiate the terms of our stay, and to demand an explanation for the giant rocks that flew our way.

It would appear she isn’t satisfied with the response.

[I warned you they wouldn’t be friendly. Relations between us and the golgari are probably worse than those between us and the ka’armodo. Would I describe it as open warfare? Not really. But it’s close.]

She stares up at me and points an accusatory finger.

[Whatever their attitude towards you, it shouldn’t matter because they aren’t hosting the Colony, they are hosting the Brathian Island Conglomerate! As a premier trading and merchant cooperative, we have agreements with every major power in the fourth stratum. And they agreed that we would be allowed to come here!]

[Did you tell them you’d be bringing ten thousand ants along for the ride?]

[Of course we did!] she throws her arms up, still visibly furious. [Trying to conceal that sort of information would have led to a disaster. They’ve been perfectly aware of who would be part of this trade mission.]

That doesn’t mean they didn’t plan on being hostile when we got here…. I don’t bother to point it out to Eran, I’m sure she’s perfectly aware. Part of her anger is probably because she realised this exact point. The golgari only allowed us to come so they could spit in our faces.

I mean, rude, but not all that surprising.

[We can just leave?] I suggest. [Is there really a need for us to subject ourselves to this treatment? I’ve no doubt it’s only going to get worse.]

She considers it, seriously considers it, which is astounding to me. I’ve come to understand that a brathian passing up the chance to wheel and deal is like an ant refusing to tickle a grub. Absurd! Unthinkable!

matter how those rock-heads treat us. If not, we will have tried. They are bound by many treaties when it comes to trade and interacting with my people,

scarred warrior offers a

to worry, Eran. My people

exactly worried about the brathians, I’m confident they are going to be safe,

what arrangements they are allowing for me and mine? How many are allowed into the

question, Eran loses some of

want a

[A hundred.]



And who’s going to be in more danger, the hundred in the mountain, or

Ugh. This sucks.


we will

be talking to Sloan about what we decide to do,] I cut her off, not trying to be rude. [I’m sorry, but this is a family decision. We’ll let you know

shadow of the sheer enormity of Greystone, I wait a little while as Sloan is brought over to my tub. For good measure, Cobalt comes with her,

absurd pillar

no, we would never do this, but

I sure do.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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