
Chapter 1311

The stone shatters down the middle, shards flying in all directions, then slowing, freezing, and reversing, as they are pulled back to the force of the spell which had sent them flying in the first place.

Now exposed to the air, the bomb makes itself known in the familiar, terrifying way.

I can’t even describe it as a howl, or a shriek. It goes well beyond anything I have experienced before. The air around me is simply ripped away, and the next instant, I’m caught within a hurricane.

The ship creaks and groans worryingly as the winds rip and tear at every loose scrap of cloth, rope and sail. Barrels are whipped straight off the deck, smashing into the railings and tipping right over the top.

The water around us is even worse. Even before the bomb expanded, it was frothing and thrashing, but now it’s straight up storming. Waves rise seemingly at random, smashing into each other. Before I can twitch, the fleet finds itself rising and falling on colossal waves that threaten to capsize the ships at any moment.

Thankfully, more and more of the bubble shields are popping into place as the brathian sailors work their magic, so even if they flip over, the water won’t rush in and drown the ants. Well, so long as the ships don’t rip apart, which is a serious concern!

The unspeakably large chunk of rock is no longer my concern, as above my head, it is being devoured by what I have made.

I’m almost glad I can’t hear anything over the wind, because the noise up there must be… dreadful.

longer caught by the gravity of Pangera, the rock is now falling toward the epicentre of the Gravity Bomb, which hangs in the air like a black sun. It’s hard to even look at it. A black sphere of indeterminate size, the light around it bends and warps in dizzying ways, replicated in each of my thousands of lenses until the image

away from the mass, hundreds every second, smashing into each other, tumbling through the air, then falling into a spiral around the void. Like soap suds circling the drain, they whip around and around, torn and shredded over and over again until they vanish into the dark mass, never to be

even take that long for the spell to consume the entirety of what the golgari attempted to drop on us. How long is it going

Gandalf, don’t let it

across this story on Amazon, it's taken without

of dizzying size and power begin to

the railings, and I am struggling to hold on. The main issue I have is that the railing is likely to break well before my legs do, and even then, the boat is

things aren’t

trying to strengthen and bolster the ships, and some have even begun creating and moulding huge anchors of stone, extending them down beneath the

limping along, but gaining speed as the fatigue is gradually washed away by the nourishing energy

easier, but with only ten thousand, it takes

of Greystone itself begins to take damage. No matter how densely they packed that stone together, there’s no way it can resist the kind of forces that are coming to bear against it. Fracture lines begin to appear up and down the face of the mountain, stone tearing loose and floating up to the waiting maw that

the stratum. If it started ripping

on one side as my legs wiggle free in the air. Thinking quickly, I bend my legs on the other side,

going anywhere until this railing goes with me! Which won’t be long, let’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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