
Chapter 1312

Now, obviously the gravity well I created is pulling in the opposite direction from the black sun chewing up every piece of the planet it can get its little grubby hands on. However, it's not enough to counteract the force, not even remotely. Despite deploying the spell, the lake is still going crazy, the air is still screaming past me, and the boat itself is starting to lift up out of the water.

But the railing hasn’t broken! Whoo! I’ll take the wins where I can get them.

I get the feeling the well is doing just enough to take the edge off, which is nice, sure, but it isn’t enough to save my backside.

For that, I’m going to have to rely on the industrious ant and brathian mages hard at work beneath me, and inside the ships of the rest of the fleet. All I can do is float, three legs hooked around a wooden beam, as I watch my spell consume and consume and consume.

It's apocalyptic up there.

Spiralling pillars of water have towered all the way up and they too are spiralling down into the core, along with ever increasing chunks of Greystone. I’m really hoping the spell is only ripping into the outer shell of the mountain and not any inhabited areas. I get the feeling the bulk of the added rock, or at least a mega-thick layer of it, is just there for defence and for show, which I hope continues to be the case. The golgari might have brought this upon themselves, but I don’t think they would care all that much if several thousand of their citizens got mushed inside a black hole.

There are several spirals forming around the black sun, revolving around it and each other as they circle the drain down to oblivion. Rock, water, air and everything else it can reach is there, being yoinked in. Someone should shoot some fire at it, so all the nations are represented in the destruction.


I don’t like the sound of that.


I really don’t like the sound of that!

As well I shouldn’t. With one final shuddering pull, the railing snaps free from the deck, and all of a sudden, I take flight.

Ahhhhhh nards! Flying is freeing and all, but I didn’t want to experience it like this!

[Eldest! Take hold!]


to see something whip up towards me from the deck below and I snag it in my mandibles. It’s a rope, a great chonking thick one. Some

sure the rope is fastened to something

to draw attention to it, but I’m rather heavy, after

to worry! We’ve secured it to the

should you find it


[That broke.]


and that’s not worth it. Without anything to tether me down, I rise faster and faster. Once I’m free

many close calls, you’re finally going to get turned into pulp by your own spell. There should be some sort of award for idiocy of this magnitude. Not only for the impressive scale of the poor decisions made, but

normal ant, would have learned from their mistakes after the first, absolutely after the second, near-death experience. Me, though?

unreasonable level of destruction, a seemingly unending appetite for

rapidly now, there isn’t much I can do to save myself anymore. My brains have turned to sludge after their heroic efforts in creating this mess, and it’s not


No I can’t. Nice try,

darn high, a couple hundred metres for sure. Honestly, would the fall be worse than being crushed within a black

It’s hard not to get misty-eyed, thinking of my family and my siblings. Except ants don’t have tear ducts, but I’ll ignore that. The Queen, my mother in this life, certainly gets my vote for ‘best mother that I’ve ever had’. Not exactly a difficult award to win, in retrospect. The Queen spoke to me, that pretty much put her over the top

a human, that I’m aware of, anyway. I was separated from the family home at a young age… so it’s possible, I suppose? But those theoretical siblings can’t compare

if Vibrant could

rather look down at the fleet. Looks like

must be getting close-ish. Any second now, my carapace will collapse and I’m going to get squished. If I had some gravity mana

Wait a sec…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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