
Chapter 1313

The boat fell back to the water with a bone-shuddering crash. Thankfully, the Abyssal Legion built their ships to withstand attacks from the powerful monsters who dwelt in the deep waters of the fourth. Commander Chyron estimated the vessel had been almost ten metres in the air before it fell.

Her legs shuddered and her knees creaked as they absorbed the force of her landing. Regardless, she remained upright and turned with a shout.

“Status report! Someone check for damage to the hull or leaks!”

Someone shouted out a quick reply and raced for the steps that descended below deck as Chyron leapt back to the railing at the prow of the ship. Water fell from the sky as the surface of the Lake began to calm, the air becoming clear once again.

The rock was gone, as was that dark void which had consumed it. The giant ant, so close to being consumed by its own spell, was a tiny speck at this range, and in free fall.

“Scorpions, take aim! Shoot that monster out of the sky!” she roared.

Hopefully someone in the fleet was able to get a clear shot. Hopefully the artillery she’d had fastened to the decks hadn’t shattered in the chaos.

Footsteps pounded on the deck, approaching quickly, and the Commander didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.

“The crew reports no leaks or major damage, though there is minor cracking on some of the interior plates on the second deck, port side,” Morrelia reported, snapping out a salute.

“Tribune, what in the name of the Iron Fortress did I just witness?”

Her Tribune hesitated for a moment and Chyron turned to glare at her.

“What’s the matter, Tribune, ant got your tongue? Explain!”

Chyron could see elements of her mother and father poking

least Titus had

sure that I can, Commander. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

you had prior knowledge of the ants and this

damned idiot had nearly gotten himself and everyone else in the area killed! The spell

one, but so much smaller in scale, I can’t even be sure it’s the same thing. It’s possible that this is simply the same magic, but scaled up; however, I have no clue how such a thing would be possible,

Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report

class of mana that even our best mages can’t identify. Is this an application of

Morrelia cursed Anthony. She had no idea what went through his mind! Not even the other ants had any idea what was going on in that head of his! How his unique abilities worked was a mystery to everyone; he’d never explained himself, and

traits, changing the direction things fall, turning up into down and down

different level. Clearly, his ability to manipulate this strange mana had grown.

to fire, Commander!” came the call, echoed shortly after from several of the

at will!”

at the railing, gazing at the ant

him at this

observation, or giving voice to

no idea what that shell

Morrelia winced.

“Carapace, Commander.”

seems to be extremely tough. While he’s up there

Scorpion ballistae were powerful engines of war, capable of firing magic infused bolts for many kilometres, and their operators were experienced, highly trained shots. Even at this range, they were

a deep thrum, sending their deadly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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