
Chapter 1339

Where is it coming from? It’s hard to tell. I dive deep into the Vestibule, following that single thread of Will, trying to trace it back to the source. The ant is in pain, wanting to be saved. Wanting me to save them.

Just what could be happening?! What is going on?!

[You have to be calm, Anthony! I don’t understand, what is the matter?] Eran tries to calm me.

[We have left an ant behind and they are being hurt! I will not wait!]

The moment my gravity well is ready, I cast it and lift myself off the ship. It takes a little while, but I begin to rise rapidly. As I desperately try to determine where my missing sibling might be found, I snap out another mind bridge to Tungstant.

[One of us has been left behind in the city and they are under attack! Organise a quick headcount so we can find out who’s missing!]

[What?!] she gasps. [I’ll do it immediately!]

Come onnnnnnn. I know you’re in there somewhere. But where?!

I rise up, the Silver City gleaming before me, stretching so far, and climbing so high. Above that rests the Golden City, a hazy cloud far above me. Dammit! I have to be able to squeeze more out of the Vestibule! Where the heck are they?!

I grab hold of that wavering thread and tug on it, trying to trace it to its source. It’s thin, far away. How did they move her so far away from the rest of us so quickly? A gate?

The Golden

Gravity Well and rise even faster, whipping up into the air.

is still trying to reach me with a mind bridge, but I rebuff her attempts. If the brathians

least, I heavily suspect who it is. That Grand Priest just couldn’t resist. I seriously didn’t think he’d try and take one of us while we were guests in the city, but his greed must

a second chance…. If I don’t get my

her back, and

Road, this story should be reported if encountered

more mana into myself, converting it into gravity mana and preparing a few spells, keeping them under control for the time being.

constructs begin to reach out to me, coming from the city, but I push them away. The Golden City is growing in my vision as I draw ever closer. It’s like a vision of heaven, but in this moment, I couldn’t care less. Through the Vestibule, I receive a constant stream of distress that I latch onto and home

I’m coming, dammit!

but I don’t stop moving. Well, I don’t stop moving until I run into the solid wall of air that snaps

trying to snap onto me, but I force them away and rip into the wall with my mandibles and minds. In moments, it crumbles away and I am rising again, only for another to form in

group of Mages using some sort of teleport spell, like Brilliant. They’ve appeared several hundred metres away and are using their magic to bind me in place. What the heck?! I

to connect

the heck are

where I am, stuck

think the more appropriate question is, what the heck are you doing up here? Now that the trade mission is over and your fleet has departed, you no longer

of my siblings has been abducted,] I tell him shortly. [Now let me loose so I can retrieve them. You have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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