
Chapter 1340

Pushing my mastery over the gravity well to its limits, I begin to rocket upwards toward the golden city. Enshrouded by luminous clouds, the city radiates a warm light, turning the mist into a halo. Somewhere beyond that obstruction, my sibling is waiting.

Frustration is boiling up inside me with every passing second. I just wish I understood what was happening. The thread of Will connecting me and the captive is thinning, growing weaker, and I have no idea why.

What the heck are they doing to her in there?! Why is she growing so weak? How is her Will being sapped?

The questions don’t matter, I can push them aside. Who cares what they are doing in there, I’m going to save her anyway. The closer I get, the better I’m able to home in on her location. It’s not easy to see clearly through the ever present cloud that hovers around the Atreum capital, but I’m starting to home in on the location. Unsurprisingly, I catch glimpses of a vast cathedral right where I believe the Will is flowing from.

Because of course I do.

Now that I have a location, I rocket forwards as fast as I can possibly fall, if you take my meaning. Turns out a creature with my mass can fall rather quickly.

Another flash of light blinds me as I assume Rathwyn and co teleport in again. I’d really like to know how they do that, but I don’t have time for lessons right now. Nor do I have time to deal with their nonsense.

Once again, I dedicate a portion of my minds to fending off their attempts to restrain me, or form a mental bridge. However, one of them manages to bend and twist their mana in such a way that it eludes my grasp, zigging and zagging this way and that until finally it snags onto me and the bridge snaps into place.

Of course it was Rathwyn.

do you even do

advanced technique, but that’s beside the point. You have to stop. You’re about to rush into the

yes. Of course

my family has been captured and might be dying down there. I’d rather not be violent,

be aware

are fellow scholars from the Tower, not officials or soldiers, and we are trying to save you! The Golden City is one of the most protected places in all of Pangera. If you think you can get in there safely, then you are very wrong!

they are going to try and

doesn’t matter. Brushing aside the mages, I home in on the Cathedral and orient myself towards it. If all goes well, I’ll drop on that stupid building like an ant-shaped comet. Once I crash through the roof, I can start hunting around for the missing ant. Hopefully, not too many bystanders

you get much closer, the city is going to defend itself!] Rathwyn warns me, his mental voice

I ignore him.

now and again, some big bad monster from the Dungeon trying to get into the massive shiny city. I don’t doubt they have a thousand ways to smite such creatures

I’m still going.

my senses come alive the closer I get. The golden cloud blocks a lot of my sight, but my mana sense is as sharp and active as I can make it. Whatever is going

hand. If I can show others that


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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